Egg Help

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Active Member
Oct 7, 2007
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My childreni laid eggs 3 weeks ago today ,Candled the ones I could get to and all have veins and are looking good ,Except for one looks yuk and is starting to form mould on it ,I was just wondering do I leave it a little longer or just try to remove it ? This is my first ever attempt at breeding and am a little unsure? All you opinions/help would be Greatly Appreciated.


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After 3 weeks it is probably too hard to remove so cut it away from the rest. You'll end up leaving bits of egg shell stuck to the others but dont worry, just wipe the goop off the inside of the remaining shell bits.
Thanks . it was stuck to other eggs I did wipe as much goo from it though,What are the chances of the mould coming back ? If so do I just wipe it off as good as i can ? Can the other eggs go yuk too? and if so at this stage do i just leave them to see what happens?
At this stage just leave it and see how the others go. If they start getting a bit of mould then just wipe it off. Its surprising how bad eggs can get before they dont hatch.
Cut a small slit in the dead egg and get a large syringe [ without the needle ] and simply suck as much of the contents out without any mess.
Then remove the egg shell by using a small pair of sharp scissors.
I would personally remove the egg if mould is forming and it looks and smells bad.
You can tell a good egg with mould to a dead one with mould.
Unfortunately IMO yours looks dead.
Good Luck.
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