enclosure sizes

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yeah im a cabinet maker so yeah i can make it any colour i like as we have a massive range of board i was just thinking maybe people dont use black as it doesnt reflect heat
yeah well thats what im hoping as im have 2 black and whites on the way and i think the black will make them look unreal
Go the black - they look alot better than standard white.
a few photos of them i had some spare time this arvo so i glued and screwed together all i need to do now is put the track in for sliding doors and order the glass (5mm toughened glass) and pop in a few vents and light fittings:D

I don't really like white melamine enclosures. My second enclosure is a dark red colour for a hypo-ish bredli. Looks awesome. Black always looks good with anything!
white malamine will reflect the lighting aolot better then black however blask is good for makeing things look alot bigger then they really are but as a few have already said it dont really matter you can use purple if you really want to. with my lisard enclosure it has false background covering almost all sides and back and have painted the roof that is made out of wood with chrome coloured spraypaint to help reflect more light down.
yeah that was one of my concerns but i thought it doesnt really matter ill have ceramic globes in there so it will get hot enough in the right spots but that chrome pain on the roof is a good idea i might do that cheers
could even try aliminium foul which would be ALOT better as it will take the heat aswell i just couldnt think of how i was going to keep it stuck to the roof and not tair ect when i bump it on stuff during cleaning maby some form of contact???
yeah we have brushed aluminum laminate i can stick that on the top with contact glue or even a mirror finish laminate also will reflect the light better
haha nice i dont have anything that fancy laying around lol the spray paint was leftover from painting my stepsons bmx :p
White may not look as good but when you have lots of enclosures its easier to spot things that need attention , like soiling and mites . As for the size , the rule has always been at least half as long as the adult will grow in one direction [ up or side to side ] .
cheers for the tip jungletrans i got all the info i needed from older posts in the end and i realized it just comes down to what you like so i make it tall and the width is a decent size but i also have a thread up about uv lights if i get one of them they show up even urine stains so it will be good also some uv lights are a sterilizing grade but i think that is not a good idea it will prob be bad for some reason
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