Escaped Blonde Mac!!!

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Active Member
Aug 1, 2008
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Hey everyone,

Yesterday i came home from a basketball game at school. I decided to check out on my spotted only to realise its GONE!! So, i turned my room upside down trying to find it but i couldn't find anything! A few minutes later, i stare at it's clickclack and about a foot and a half above it there is a hole on the wall, my old lcd use to be up there but it has been taken off, leaving a hole there. Suddenly, the head of my spottted slowly emerged from the hole. I freaked out trying to work out how the helll he got up there. Then i figured it out!!!, there were wires and cables coming out from the hole which i have left there and it hanged down not far from it's clickclack. I approached the hole expecting my spotted to come out BUT HE DID THE OPPOSITE!! He slithered off into the darkness!! I have been waiting until now for it to come out but it only stuck it's head out, like twice yesterday but until now i haven't seen him!! I'm getting scared, what should i do?:cry:
get mouse and hold it near the hole continue this until he come out slowy draw him out with the mouse
hope u get him
chuck a mouse near the hole and wait
or if not patient enough dangle it in front of the hole and wait for the head to appear and slowly bring it closer to you if you no what i mean
good luck keep us informed :D
zimbe said what i said but with more detail
would that really work? because i thought thawed mice had no scent and btw, he could be anywhere now i mean anywhere in the walls:(

My blonde did something similar not long ago, wasnt in a wall though, the more i tried to get her out the more she hid and didnt want to come out.
Open her click clack, chuck a mouse in and wait.. she will come out =)
i think it would work???

but yer as gavin said it could be anywhere in ur walls roof anywhere
you will probably find his still in the cavity, wouldnt relly be able to go up the the wall, id cut the wall if there is already a hole in the, giprock is not dear
Make a bigger hole and pull the snake out. There is already a hole to be patched so a bigger one wont matter.. Who knows how far the snake will decide to explore in the wall??
if you can, thaw a mouse, and staple it by the tail to the wall above the hole (to stop you from standing there and holding it for an hour.
but would the thawed mouse not get all cold and yucky ? that could be bad for the snake?:|
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i mean like hold it out side the hole until the snake pokes his head out.
then when he does slowly draw it back towards u, in theory the snake should come back followong the mouse then just grab him
but how would he be able to know the mice is there? considering he could be anywhere in the wall:(
poke the mouse in and out of the hole slowly????

seriously try it i think it could work
First of all what type of wall is it? gyprock? also is it an internal or external wall?.If its an internal stud wall the only place the snake could move would be between a set of studs and noggins,about 1 square meter.As has been written already try thawing a mouse and place that in the open click clack.You might want to place the tub closer to the hole though.
The snake cant move past the wall studs then. They are usually around 900mm apart and go from the floor to the ceiling. There will also be a noggin about 1100mm up going across the studs.. Bite the bullet and make the hole bigger mate...;)
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