Escaped Blonde Mac!!!

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i still the mouse out side the hole or putting in the click clack is bett idea wont have to do any damage
and what if the snake has moved on over night
The snake cant move past the wall studs then. They are usually around 900mm apart and go from the floor to the ceiling. There will also be a noggin about 1100mm up going across the studs.. Bite the bullet and make the hole bigger mate...;)

And if you smash a hole into your own wall...

Pics or it didn't happen.

Simple. Try it with the mouse and if that doesn't work then cut the wall up. Snakes have a great sense of smell, it will know the rat is there. Snakes find food in the wild all the time, I'm sure it wil be able to find it in your wall.
it will probs try and find some were warm during the night and the day so keep some heating around the cage and maybe leave the thawed mouse there because remember pythons are nocturnal and hunt at night;)
yer put ur heat mat out cave over it and the mouse outside the cave ????
i've found its bets to catch them late at night. my spotted has escaped a couple of times and i've always caught him at night he hides to well in the day. but at night he's very active, so leave him alone try around 10pm or 12 pm, even tempt with the mouse idea.
ok thanks everyone for your suggestions, i will try to lure him out with the mice
turn the lights off in your room first, on the other side of the wall is it another room or outside?
on the other side of the wall is it another room or outside?
hmm its where the stairs are, i sticky taped the mice near the hole, if it doesnt come out...ill thaw the mice again and leave it on the heatmat overnite:D
next time he sticks his head out grab it and slowly pull.
but if you think it is going to hurt him just keep holding his head and might give up and come out himself, or give up and become less tense and you can pull him out.

next time he sticks his head out grab it and slowly pull.
but if you think it is going to hurt him just keep holding his head and might give up and come out himself, or give up and become less tense and you can pull him out.

but his head is so small...i might even squish it -_-:(
WEEE i found him.. i made the holes bigger...and saw that he got stuck between the cables!! poor fella, i had to pull him out with force..hope he didnt get hurt =[
Made the holes bigger? Good idea...:p

Well done mate..Hope he is okay..
haha thank youn all for your suggestions again.. much appreciated. sigh now his not feeding, just strikes and then he leaves it and wen i tried it again he started running away from the mice -__-""
Just let him be. He is probably a bit stressed so he's not going to eat. Leave him in his enclosure and make sure he can't escape again.
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