EWD advice..

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2008
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Well I came home the other day to find that my partner had brought home a pair of adult EWD's that are not in the best condition.
The female has what appears to be burns on her back and legs, they looked like they are healed up but will this impact on any shedding? Some of the areas are cream in colour, as in burnt right through.

Also it looks like half her tail is broken? About half way down her tail just goes limp and its darker in colour than the rest of her.. I'm pretty sure she can't feel anything either. Will it fall off or just stay limp for the rest of her life?

Both are overweight.. male probably more so, is there anything I can do to help them trim down a little? I'm feeding only fruit/veg with calcium supplements at the moment, they're barely eating but are extremely active. Both are very tame for EWD's.

Previously they have been kept in a school classroom situation which maybe why they've been over-fed.

I'll grab pics tomorrow and I'm planning on taking to the vet next week, just want a heads up if theres anything I should be doing.

Thanks in advance :)
The burns should effect the sloughing much. I have seen Lacy's with burns that bad and it still sloughed fine. The tail being broken, from what I understand is just a breeding thing. I think the males bite at the females tails during the breeding times. It's quite common to see waters with broken, limp, dark tails. I doubt it will fall off. As for being over weight, just a diet is all i can think of. If they are active then they must be fine.
what would you call over weight for a EWD thats around 65-70cm long?? coz i think my girl is over weight
im not sure, but mine look like they've got beer-bellies :)
I got home tonight and her tail looks as if its falling off! It feels very soft and has a huge cut on one side! It smells pretty bad. :( Obviously cant get her to a vet until monday but it doesnt look good.. ive taken out their water bowl for a smaller one that she cant swim in and applied some bentadine and covered it up with some bandage tape.. is there anything else I can do until monday? ive attached a pic of what it looks like

cant believe it, only just got her from the petshop a couple of days ago! :(

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i;d get her to the vet as soon as u can so it doesn't get infected
i realised 2 seconds after it posted, lol, the actual pic is up now
Should I inform the shop or is that going to get me no where? I was hoping maybe they could fork out for the vet bills.
Will she lose the tail do you think?? :( It's very limp all the way down, its possible it has been infected for a while
Arghhh! So I ring the shop and the guy says bring her in so they can get me a replacement..

My partner takes them in and the owner realises he has nothing to replace her with! He wouldnt even consider me taking back the female even if it was just her tail that was amputated.. So they said we can keep the male and they'll give my money back on the female.. My partner told him whats the point of having a breeding pair with only a male? So.. the guy eventually agreed he'll take the male back too and fully refund me.. They said they didnt even know the tail was broken :S
I don't think i'll go there again but they were really nice about it.. personally I think they should just stick to the aquarium side and keep fish :|

So now I have no EWD's.. just some pictures and $450 more to spend at the expo..

The moral of the story is.. uh.. well I'm not sure but it's in there somewhere.
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