Exo Terra Monsoon misting/spray system help needed......

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
North east suburbs, Melbourne.
Hi all,

Just purchased a new Exo Terra Monsoon misting system as the existing unit appeared to be starting to fail. And what I mean by starting to fail there is now zero water pressure coming out of the sprayers.

Having unpacked and set up the new one we fired it up expecting it to spray like a new unit should but this time nothing out of one sprayer (right hand side looking at the enclosure) and a very fine mist coming out of the left hand side but definitely not how it should.

Can anyone who have had experience with these unit types please share their experiences both good and bad.

Like is there anything that needs to be done beforehand to the sprayers etc??? Cheers.

This would be greatly appreciated.

Could this be something to do with the law of gravity
These units are pieces of ****.

I used to use them for my green tree pythons.

You may have to play with the nozzles on the sprayers to get them working properly - or soak them in a 50/50 water/vinegar solution overnight.

My unit stuffed up after about 3 months, the timer failed, the unit would come on and off at its own accord or come on and empty the whole water tank flooding the cage.

I ended up rewiring it and putting an external timer on it, as with water pressure i had the unit sitting above the cages just incase.

Hi all,

Just purchased a new Exo Terra Monsoon misting system as the existing unit appeared to be starting to fail. And what I mean by starting to fail there is now zero water pressure coming out of the sprayers.

Having unpacked and set up the new one we fired it up expecting it to spray like a new unit should but this time nothing out of one sprayer (right hand side looking at the enclosure) and a very fine mist coming out of the left hand side but definitely not how it should.

Can anyone who have had experience with these unit types please share their experiences both good and bad.

Like is there anything that needs to be done beforehand to the sprayers etc??? Cheers.

This would be greatly appreciated.

Could this be something to do with the law of gravity
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