Active Member
if u r clever enough to handle a Coastal Tiapan, and have a licence to keep them,, then why not Cobras also??? no reason at all , except Govt. control of our lives
OH!The problem exists already. now its time to manage the problem. strict license rules and people who breed should have to only sell desexed animals as pets to control the spread of animals. exotics are here in large numbers at least the problem will be controlled rather than hidden..
It will come one day, Brother . BIG TIME...............far too many "people " living off the magnifecent/mighty men and women of the Private Enterprise System..We pay the taxes to keep those "people " alive, but have no say whatsoever in which oh those "people " should be born to live OFF us
I Cannot agree more. there should be a bloody iq test and a bloody dero test and ability to raise a decent human test. should you fail castration(sp) swifty follows:evil:
A test to own/breed a snake and yet there is still no test to allow people to breed humans...
there definitely are monkeys about,I remember seeing 1 in a rolls royce on the M5 couple of years ago,if my wife hadn't seen it as well you'd say I was drunk.don't know what type it was only small climbing from front to back seatYes however I am not specificaly aiming at exotic reptiles, surely there is a few monkeys floating around in private hands that the government doesnt know about. And of course the recent spate of wild lion sightings in Darwin (not to mention the pygmy hippo shot not long ago that was feral)
if u r clever enough to handle a Coastal Tiapan, and have a licence to keep them,, then why not Cobras also??? no reason at all , except Govt. control of our lives
you sit a test for your drivers license. testing you for the basic knowledge. I believe we should have one for reptiles too... all pets really! less impulse buying then
they already charge me for the paper why not make sure I know what the heck I'm doing too?
if u r clever enough to handle a Coastal Tiapan, and have a licence to keep them,, then why not Cobras also??? no reason at all , except Govt. control of our lives
I don't think you can compare a Taipan with Cobra, completely different kettle of fish I think. And one legitimate reason is because it's the law. Deal with it.
The problem exists already. now its time to manage the problem. strict license rules and people who breed should have to only sell desexed animals as pets to control the spread of animals. exotics are here in large numbers at least the problem will be controlled rather than hidden..
It will come one day, Brother . BIG TIME...............far too many "people " living off the magnifecent/mighty men and women of the Private Enterprise System..We pay the taxes to keep those "people " alive, but have no say whatsoever in which oh those "people " should be born to live OFF us
I Cannot agree more. there should be a bloody iq test and a bloody dero test and ability to raise a decent human test. should you fail castration(sp) swifty follows:evil:
The problem exists already. now its time to manage the problem. strict license rules and people who breed should have to only sell desexed animals as pets to control the spread of animals. exotics are here in large numbers at least the problem will be controlled rather than hidden..
I Cannot agree more. there should be a bloody iq test and a bloody dero test and ability to raise a decent human test. should you fail castration(sp) swifty follows:evil:
I completely agree mate. Where I live near everyone is on the doll and never even had the thought of getting A ****ing job. Hell I have been working since I was 15 and my parents owned their own business and had money but I wanted to do it myself. It ****ing annoys me when you tell them get A job and you get the why I get $$ for nothing response. Anyway mate I had A chuckle to your rant.Seriously, the vast majority off people who are living in this situation are quite comfortably sucking on the teat of the government, and have no qualms raising their children to do the same. To be honest, they remind me of a colony of woodies. The just scrabble around, sucking as much as they can from the government, and breeding like crazy. The worst part is the sense of entitlement, the belief that they deserve everything they have been given. And most of the time it works, the "worse" off they are (read: the more **** they've gotten themselves into), the more the government hands out.
Crack addict? Have some money.
Got TB? Have some more.
Never heard of contraception and now you've got 8 kids and no husband? Hell, have a brand new house in Brighton.
I'm not kidding, these people are living in places I could never even dream of affording.
Sorry for the off topic rant, I have to deal with these lowlife mongrels every day at work and it p***es me right off. And some of them have had the gall to call ME a loser because I'm working in the middle of the night on a saturday.
I should say something on topic. Umm... exotics? Like it or not, they're here anyway. However, if they're made legal the problem will probably just get worse, because more people will be in a position to own them, which means that more people will be in a position to lose/dump/release them when they become too much of a bother.
there definitely are monkeys about,I remember seeing 1 in a rolls royce on the M5 couple of years ago,if my wife hadn't seen it as well you'd say I was drunk.don't know what type it was only small climbing from front to back seat
I could be wrong but i think he ment exotics as pets (like birds, fish and the like), not to mass release them in qld. personally i don't think it would be much different then the aquarium market
my 2c