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Congrats on the new addition but off to chit chat we go. Not sure how naming something is a reptile related discussion.

Sorry Sniper lol I just figured since it was a new reptile I was showing off, that it was fine for the general reptile section.

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there were quite a few blueys there today,eastern,northern,kimberly as well as black blue tongues.what a choice if you had the $

Would love to get one of the hypermelanistic (black) blueys somewhere down the track, I think they're gorgeous!
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Would love to get one of the hypermelanistic (black) blueys somewhere down the track, I think they're gorgeous!

me too I once said I should cross a land mullet with a bluey to get a black lizard with a blue tongue and now they have it
So yesterday when I got the little critter home, he really wasn't interested in any food. He ate two tiny pieces of grape and then spent most of the afternoon napping in his little hut.

Today was a different story! I tempted him with all things tempting.. Cat food, grapes, corn and dead crickets haha. He LOVED it! And of course, I mixed in a little vitamin powder for him, though I do have some questions about that. I'm new to lizards, and especially baby lizards. Can anyone tell me (or point me in the right direction) how much vitamin/calcium powder I should be mixing in with a baby bluey's food, and how many times a week?

Also, he didn't waste any time leaving a little present for me in his water bowl... Cheeky little thing.


Again, sorry about the picture quality.. I REALLY need to get a decent camera, so I can stop using my phone :p

Definately one of my northerns. I have had these for years and they were never accepted by NPWS as a seperate species to Easterns. I even had a NPWS inspector check my collection last year and he was told by myself that my northerns are under eastern permits. No problems. Its has now come to my attention that NPWS has finally made northerns a seperate species and class 2. How rediculus. What the hell are they going to do with the several hundreds being held as class 1 under easterns that i alone sold as well as all the others purchased elsewhere over the many years
well seeing as how you bought it/him/her at the expo how about naming it/him/her "Expo".................................Ron
Give mix in just calcium with every 2nd feed and mix in multi v every 2 weeks or so, be careful not to go overboard with the either as it will do more harm then good.
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