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Active Member
Dec 6, 2010
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Ardrossan, SA
Hi Guys, I am really worried about my little Woma, Ollie. I have seen him now and then pushing his nose through the holes in his click clack, and I noticed that he has done a bit of damage to his face, but I think that will clear up once he sheds, however I'm a bit concerned about his eyes. They look unusual and I'm concerned that he has blinded himself. He doesn't seem to react when I wave my hand in front of his face, even it I kinda swing at him he doesn't flinch at all. I thought that he might be coming into a shed, but I'm not sure as he hasn't done so since I've had him ( 2 & a bit months, he is just over 3 months old.), but the eyes aren't going blue, they just look... different.
ollie eye.JPG
I'm really stressing out that I have done this to the poor little bugger by not doing something about the holes, I feel terrible. Can anyone help me out here as to whether this is as big a problem as I'm making it to be? Could it possibly clear up once he does finally shed?
dont take my word for it but i herd its not uncomon to have eye problems with womas
Yeah Torah, Im pretty sure it is, they scales are a bit roughed up from him rubbing on the holes. I have been planning to go to adelaide to get a new click clack and make smaller holes in it to stop him pushing his nose through them but haven't been able to get there yet. (I live 150 kms away)
Go , Go now ! lol Maybe you should bring him along and take him to a vet ... It looks bad ... sore... Do you have anything else you can put him in for the time being? Just sp he doesnt do anymore damage to himself ? The eyes look to me like he may be goin to shed . I know with mine they have difference levels of blueness lol sometimes its just like a mist of blue other times its scary zombie looking blue lol
Yeah I cant get down to adelaide for a couple of weeks yet... Makes it pretty hard. I have a melamine enclosure but I don't have anything to heat it with yet (I'm kinda setting it up as I save the money up for each component) so that's probably not going to work. My sister lives in town so I might be able to get her to pick me up a new click clack and bring it down on the weekend. His eyes don't normally look blue at all, that seems to have come out with the flash of the camera. I just walked past his click clack and it seemed like he reacted to me, so that is kinda good but I'm still pretty concerned.
Im not sure about fumes...but do you have something like a hot glue gun you could use to make the holes smaller/get rid of the sharp edges?
What about a really small circular file,just gently file down the rough spots on the air holes........would that help?
I managed to get another tub and a soldering iron, and melted the airholes into the new tub. Much better, he doesn't even try shoving his nose through the holes now. Also, all the scraped up scales seem to have almost completely healed, however his eye still looks wrong. I'll post a photo when I get home, as I'm at work at the moment.
This is a very common problem with airholes that are too big, especially with Morelia babies where there is a large size difference between the front and back of the head. Never make the holes so large that they can get their snouts through and push, it can cause serious damage to the sides of the nose, and almost always leaves a permanent scar where the scales are literally rubbed off.

Yeah unfortunately I've learnt that the hard way Jamie, now I feel terrible that little Ollie is the one who pays for it. He doesn't seem to be in pain or anything though and it doesn't look like it causes any kind of hindrance to his movement or eating, so I guess it's not as bad as it could be.
my bhp hatchy has done the same thing but im hoping when she sheds, it will come good. I hope yours gets better soon.
hopefuly with sheds the eye will clear

please let us know as time goes on if the eyes have amanged to is good for all out learning

best of luck I hope it all works out

This is Ollie taken a few minutes ago. The other eye looks similar to this. Honestly I think the flash on the camera is making the rubbed scales and his eyes look worse than they appear to be normally. He has been quite secretive lately, staying in his hides most of the time so I'm hoping that means he is on his way to shedding. Whether or not that solves his problem is another thing I suppose. I really hope he hasn't got any permanent damage, I'll be shattered if my neglect has hurt him... :cry:
you say u have an enclosure but have no heating for it? what are you using to heat the click clack ? if its a heat mat cant you put that in the enclosure as well ? i have done it before i got my ceramics for my enclosures
I don't really have anything for the enclosure yet. I'm not going to put him in there till it's ready (Hopefully next week) I have him in another click clack now with smaller, smoother holes so that's not the issue anymore.
But yeah I am using a heat mat on the click clack.
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glad u dont have any issues any more but whats stopping you using the heat mat in the enclosure? least he will still have a warm spot if he needs it
fingers crossed he will be ok after the shed.....I cant get over the way the eye spectacles come is like a real lens...double check the shad that they have all come off

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