eye infection?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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what cause this

ok have some hatching spotteds and i noticed the other day one had shed, the spectacles were in the shed skin but the poor lill bugger his eyes are all puffy and white!!! (they were swollen to 3 times the normal size)

there was a faie bit of condecentaiton in his click clak

what can i do for him, what causes this to happen and how can i prevent it in the future
also will he recover from this, apart from the eyes he seams fine :?
ill see if i can get one, its been a few of days now and its crusted over, still white in color
ive been giving him herpaboost (vetafarm) but i don't know what else i can do for him @_@
If it's seriously crusty and really doesn't look well, a vet would be the best plan of action, some times these things can be quicky fixed if treated asap, and rapidly deteriorate if not.
the swellings gone down a bit today, still crusty and i dont think he can see,
but in the pluss side hes stil fistiey little thing, tryed to eat the syringe/droper this morning when i wasd giving him some herpaboost ...... ill try to feed him this arvo
i would be getting him off to the vet before you feed him. the food may just cause him unwanted stress which won't help the eye. Things will likely get worse if you dont get it looked at.
cleared up,
after a shed hes eyes have cleared up nicely, it was caused be a fluid build up, possibly from over hydration/ very high humidity during the original shedding phase, the new shed skin has all the crusty stuff on the outer surface of the eye but the inside surface (the part that would have been on the eye) looks like a typical smooth spectacle.
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