Facebook - Who DOESN'T Use It?

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never have had it and never will,i hate it and think it is a total waist of time and if you want to keep in contact with people just pick up a phone.my wife loves it and spends loads of hours on it doing nothing...jmo

Imagine my phone bill if I called my father and sisters in the Philippines, my uncle in London, my uncle in San Diego, in laws in Hong Kong and other friends in other countries as much as I chat to them on face book lol.

I think the people here saying only losers and low lives use facebook are the kind of people you'd block on face book anyway lol. The ones that just abuse people for no reason and write stuff with not thought or content. JMO :)
My (adult) kids (ages 36 & 38) are both on face book, they both live in different states from me and each other.....they won't have me as a....friend....because they don't want me knowing their business...LOL !! I don't think they have their father or each other as.... friends either !!! For the short time I was on it, I had my step kids as....friends....but the language they used when communicating with each other....every second word was the... F word....well, I just didn't like it so deleted them. If I want to communicate with anyone, I use the phone or email them.
My Nanna has facebook but I blocked her. I have my mum and my father-in-law though. I have cleaned up my act on there although occasionally I hide posts and photo albums from them so they can't see certain things. Actually, I have customised everything so only certain people can see certain things, most people see hardly anything. In saying that, I only have 150 friends, I think it's absolutely ridiculous when people have 400+ friends unless you're a business.
With a face like mine... I didn't get past the title, let alone get to the "instructions"!

My Nanna has facebook but I blocked her. I have my mum and my father-in-law though. I have cleaned up my act on there although occasionally I hide posts and photo albums from them so they can't see certain things. Actually, I have customised everything so only certain people can see certain things, most people see hardly anything. In saying that, I only have 150 friends, I think it's absolutely ridiculous when people have 400+ friends unless you're a business.

LOL...you ONLY have....150 friends on FB....LOL but do you keep in touch with them all ??? I had several so called ...friends....on this site and once I accepted them I hardly ever heard from them again so I just deleted them, and don't bother with....friends....anymore. I'm ....FRIENDLY....with everyone, but can't see the point in having friends if you don't keep in reasonable contact....I'm not suggesting you don't keep in contact with yours, but certainly wouldn't be able to keep in contact with 50 let alone 150. :)
LOL...you ONLY have....150 friends on FB....LOL but do you keep in touch with them all ??? I had several so called ...friends....on this site and once I accepted them I hardly ever heard from them again so I just deleted them, and don't bother with....friends....anymore. I'm ....FRIENDLY....with everyone, but can't see the point in having friends if you don't keep in reasonable contact....I'm not suggesting you don't keep in contact with yours, but certainly wouldn't be able to keep in contact with 50 let alone 150. :)

Compared to the average that is not many at all... I probably have 4 friends with less than that. I do keep in touch with the majority of them, I have a lot of family on there too that I can't really delete. A handful from high school, about 50 of them are people at uni, friends from climbing, friends from draining, friends from a parenting forum whom I have known for 5 years and regularly travel interstate to visit. I don't keep anyone useless on there and if I don't have contact with them in several months I delete them. Even then, if they are posting information that is useful to me (such as new drain locations to explore or when someone is going climbing and inviting others) I will keep them.

I use facebook to my advantage, such as for surveying, my degree requires a lot of designing using a particular process where surveys need to be regularly conducted. Via facebook I can be in touch with 150 people at once, I would hate to go out and survey heaps of people individually! Imagine my phone bill!
Compared to the average that is not many at all... I probably have 4 friends with less than that. I do keep in touch with the majority of them, I have a lot of family on there too that I can't really delete. A handful from high school, about 50 of them are people at uni, friends from climbing, friends from draining, friends from a parenting forum whom I have known for 5 years and regularly travel interstate to visit. I don't keep anyone useless on there and if I don't have contact with them in several months I delete them. Even then, if they are posting information that is useful to me (such as new drain locations to explore or when someone is going climbing and inviting others) I will keep them.

I use facebook to my advantage, such as for surveying, my degree requires a lot of designing using a particular process where surveys need to be regularly conducted. Via facebook I can be in touch with 150 people at once, I would hate to go out and survey heaps of people individually! Imagine my phone bill!

LOL....well it sounds like you're a well rounded person socially and have it working to your advantage. Good on you. :)
Only thing I dont get is when people like some of my friends on FB have 1000 friends? Ive lived in 3 countries and gone to 4 schools and I dont think I know 1000 people.
I add pretty much anyone who sends a request - I have added people for several apps, reptile people, and pagans. I have nothing in my profile that I wouldn't tell a complete stranger, so I really see no problem. I also don't care if people think I am an 'idiot'. If the person I add turns out to be a bible basher, freak etc, I can just delete them, which is a lot harder to do if you know them face to face. Grow up people and expand your lives, or not, no one really cares lol. Have a good one :)
I hate facebook... its the worst. Destroys relationships and is a complete time waster. Telephones, email, face to face... thats my preference to catch up with people.
I dont have facebook and I never will. I know and dislike to many people from my past and that is where they are staying.......in the past.

I am not going to give any one the opportunity to see or know who I am hanging out with these days or what I am doing, I dont care if they say 'but you can change your privacy settings so no one can see your page', whats to stop people opening a fake facebook account, your screwed if they do and your dumb enough to accept them as a friend.

If I didnt talk to you back in the day why would I talk to you now or add you to my friends list and if you are a true friend you will know where to find me so that we can catch up face to face or on the phone or via emails.

I am all for starting new friendships but there has to be common interests and face book is not a way of starting them, 'Oh I added you cos I liked what you looked like', how dumb is that.
I hate facebook... its the worst. Destroys relationships and is a complete time waster. Telephones, email, face to face... thats my preference to catch up with people.
Actually,my son and his girlfriend broke up after 10 years because he caught her cheating on him with some guy in the US who turned out to be a total douche.
Hypocrites. This forum is way worse than Facebook. At least on Facebook I know the people that will see my photos and read my updates. Here you all post for complete strangers to read. I work 12hr days, how am I supposed to call all my friends and family on the good old fashioned telephone when I barely get time to speak to my housemate in between cooking dinner, watching a bit of tv and sleeping? Using it to contact long lost friends and classmates is probably the least useful thing about it, which is what most of you think is it's only purpose.
Hahaha!!! Lets blame facebook for our relationships going to poo. I wonder if I cheat on my missus or dog my mates, they won't really care as long as I don't post it on face book :) I heard once you sign up to facebook it makes you want to do things you wouldn't do otherwise :p

(Wasn't directed at you kaotik, just took me ages to type on my phone lol)
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