Facebook - Who DOESN'T Use It?

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Hypocrites. This forum is way worse than Facebook. At least on Facebook I know the people that will see my photos and read my updates. Here you all post for complete strangers to read. I work 12hr days, how am I supposed to call all my friends and family on the good old fashioned telephone when I barely get time to speak to my housemate in between cooking dinner, watching a bit of tv and sleeping? Using it to contact long lost friends and classmates is probably the least useful thing about it, which is what most of you think is it's only purpose.
I agree, it is most useful for keeping in contact with people you actually care about, long lost friends and relatives are long lost for a reason, if they meant that much to you they wouldn't be long lost.

Hahaha!!! Lets blame facebook for our relationships going to poo. I wonder if I cheat on my missus or dog my mates, they won't really care as long as I don't post it on face book :) I heard once you sign up to facebook it makes you want to do things you wouldn't do otherwise :p
Hey, I have facebook, I wasn't blaming it for all relationship break-ups, just in this case it did make it easy. Obviously there were other factors but it made it easy for her to "feel loved" as she put it without having to deal with said other factors.
Read my edit kaotik, I can only type so fast on my phone lol. It was more for the people against facebook because it destroys lives and ruins relationships lol.
How do you know that?

Doing it on a forum, via email, ebay, twitter etc etc would be just as easy. Don't blame facebook.
To answer your first question, because she is way to shy, and to answer your second, yes that is true and as I said above, I wasn't blaming facebook, just happened to be the site she used. I don't know how you would do it on ebay.
I know two people who have met their partners via ebay. Only one couple via facebook and about 3 via forums.
No one uses MSN anymore, facebook chat killed it, no one emails friends facebook killed that to. I think its an excellent way to keep in contact with friends who you cant visit (interstate, overseas) with no hassle, no costs.
I don't really get all the facebook animosity that happens. It's not like anyone is forcing anybody else to join, and if you do have it and don't like it, then it's easy enough to deactivate your account.

I think it's a brilliant way to catch up with people you haven't seen in ages.
Yeah, chilax haters. No need for all that. I have real friends, problem is that a large group of them live in brisbane, some more in sydney, most of my family is in maitland and some more friends in melbourne. I got to talk to my half sister in mexico for the first time last year and see pics of her two girls and new baby boy. If not for facebook I would have not many friends. I am not at all rich so visiting face to face is a rare occurance and that rules the phone out since talking to them all all the time would blow my credit within a day. My bf lives 4 hrs away and while I and my friends do use msn, its still hard because you have to both be on at the same time. Facebook is like msn and email all in one but easier to use. How is email any more personal than facebook? Or msn for that matter?

Also, if you add someone you don't actually know then thats ur own silly fault if they end up being someone you hate who is trying to pester you. They talk about cyber bullying and stuff but if you actually use the block and delete options its not as big an issue. If they are creating alot of trouble take it to the admin and admin will delete them. Yes they can come back but keep getting them deleted. Cyber bullying and people causing issues is a problem but I think if people knew better how to use the medium that problem would decrease.

I get why people don't want to use it and yes alot of people write really stupid useless stuff on there but you don't have to knock the people that do use it.
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Hypocrites. This forum is way worse than Facebook. At least on Facebook I know the people that will see my photos and read my updates. Here you all post for complete strangers to read. I work 12hr days, how am I supposed to call all my friends and family on the good old fashioned telephone when I barely get time to speak to my housemate in between cooking dinner, watching a bit of tv and sleeping? Using it to contact long lost friends and classmates is probably the least useful thing about it, which is what most of you think is it's only purpose.
Well said.

Oh and talking about putting personal information on the internet -What is with the number of health related threads popping up here lately. Is this Aussie Pythons & Snakes or Aussie Online Medical Advice?
Well said.

Oh and talking about putting personal information on the internet -What is with the number of health related threads popping up here lately. Is this Aussie Pythons & Snakes or Aussie Online Medical Advice?

There's an off topic section for a reason.

Actually,my son and his girlfriend broke up after 10 years because he caught her cheating on him with some guy in the US who turned out to be a total douche.

Just curious, how does one cheat over FB?
The point - you missed it

I didn't really. It's easier to ask a question about a personal matter to a random that doesn't know who you are then to a bunch of facebookers who you know IRL also.

They met on facebook, cheating was done in chat and on webcam, guess it depends on your definitition of cheating but making plans and declaring vows online and on cam whilst in a relationship is cheating as far as I am concerned.

I'd say it's emotional cheating, and enough of a reason to break up over for sure.
Maybe one or two more hehe.

Actually, here you can't really block individuals from seeing what you post and you can't block individuals posts from showing up in threads. So really, there's less privacy control on here than facebook lol.
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