Feeling a bit sad lately....

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Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
I've been away for a few weeks up north at a regular haunt of mine. Before leaving I fed all of my animals the night before, made sure they all had freshly cleaned and full water bowls (preferably out of crapping distance :lol:), checked on them the morning before leaving and set off for my Chrissy holidays.

Upon return I’m always anxious that everything has gone well with them all, and proceed to get around immediately checking and cleaning every enclosure ensuring everyone is fine (which over the last umpteen years hasn’t ever been a problem). I’m sure the snakes enjoy a nice quiet home, free of kids storming through from time to time and making a raucous anyway.

However this time, out of all of my animals, my hardiest one (I would have thought) is my Brown Tree Snake (Monkey) who when removed from the enclosure appeared to have some limitations in moving properly. Upon closer inspection it became apparent that he had a substantial hardened bump on his back (like a small bone protrusion underneath the skin). The scales had almost shrivelled to half of their size and it was clear I/and he, had a problem on our hands. Nothing can move in his enclosure, so a branch slipping was ruled out of the equation.

Last night I took him to a quite respected reptile vet in Canterbury, where it was hypothesized that we were dealing with an underlying problem that he’s probably had for awhile and sadly only reared its ugly head while I was away. Should it be terminal (as the vet suspects) and due to its locality, an xray scan was only throwing cash at what appears to be a useless situation – as it would be inoperable. As a last ditch effort he’s now being treated that “miraculously” it’s only a bacterial infection of some kind and the snake has merely developed an inflamed vertebrae, so he is now undertaking a course of antibiotic injections that I have to do every 24hrs. Sadly I’m not holding my breath on this, as much as I’d love to believe it’s the latter problem I’ve got a horrible feeling I’ll be back into the vet over the next week or so and returning without him.

I keep you all posted.
im really sorry to hear that :( look forward to hearing updates
huggles....things happen when we least expect it...but you have done all you can, and don't feel bad that you went away....this probably would have happened anyway....I hope snakey recovers.. xx
Hopefully all will be ok, fingers crossed.
You have done, and are doing, all you can, and can take heart from that.
:( Sorry to hear your news, what an awful way to return from your holiday! Fingers crossed he surprises you and pulls through.
Well, after fighting the good fight for a fair few months now I've made the call and just had him put down. Upon quick surgical inspection by the vet after he was euthanized it appears the initial hypothesis was correct and he had an aggressive tumor of some nature. Liver disease was also apparent and more than likely linked.

Bit of a sad day for me. I really loved this animal :(
Sorry to hear it had to come to that. Sounds like you did the right thing by him though. Poor little fella!
Im So So sorry, it is so hard not to get to close and attached to thease guys but they seem to wiggle/slide into your hearts. At least you found out what went wrong and you know you did all you could.
Sorry to hear moose, its always hard when you lose a much loved member of the family.... It sounds like you have done the right thing....
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