feeling like the biggest failure.....

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thats not my hand haha. thats blazes hand and he looks massive on it! her hand is tiny. pretzels doesnt strike for his feeds.. he did for the first one but it was like he couldnt latch on. he still doesnt strike out to feed ( jsut to bite haha) he just casually takes it and then does a really retarded dance to attempt to eat it
If you have 2 mouse pinkies left.... give him 1 tomorrow (today) and keep one in case you have to 'scent' a rat fuzzy (or pinkie rat) that you get him on wednesday. If you feed him a mouse pinkie today, you can still offer him the rat fuzzy on wednesday when you get it (he will think it is christmas):lol:
ok awesome will do!
i am really grateful for all the helpful advice. you guys have all eased my guilt a tad. hopefully after he gets some more food into him and gets a bit bigger he will calm down enough and be nice for once!
@captainRatbag ill pm and let you know how he goes with the rat on wednesday. but your more then welcome to come and meet him any way if you would like :)
Great, will be keen to hear.

Dont feel guilty AT ALL :shock: You were doing as you were instructed by the seller. The fact that the seller forgot to inform you that the food intake has to increase as the snake grows, is not your fault and nothing to feel guilty about.

At least you had the sense to ask on here... to me, that means you are a good snake mummy :lol:
It sounds like you have the food side covered and you are prepared to give it a bit more time if needed.

I have found that some snakes (especially younger ones) kept in vivariums seem to feel a bit more secure if you cover the back of the vivarium. It helps to reduce the amount of shadows and can help the sake feel less exposed. Your sister might have an appropriate backing at work that fits inside the back and looks like a rock wall or you could use some black cardboard and blu-tack on the outside of the glass. If she gets a discount you may even do the sides with the polystyrene rock wall backing as another benefit is that it will help to insulate the vivarium during winter.

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I am only a newbie at keeping snakes, but my opinion would be to feed the snake with tweezers, instead of hand feeding, otherwise it might think every time you put your hand in the cage, it's feed time.....

I actually take my snakes out of the enclosure and put them into a CC and use the tweezers, that way, when I put my hand in the enclosure, they don't immediately think its feeding time... But I could be totally wrong as I said before, I too am a newbie at this too!

Just my thoughts.
Gavman is bang on the money hatchlings get stressed in big open spaces. In the wild they would be in leave litter or hidden in scrubs ect not sitting in open waiting to get eaten cover the back,sides and the front then leave him alone for a couple of weeks at min. If it was me I would put it in a click clack until bigger if you can't do this maybe get more hides or leaf litter for the floor. He will calm down once he Isn't stressed and gets more size on him.
it is most likely stressed out because it feel vulnerable in that glass tank , try covering the sides up so its a bit darker for it , or put it back in a tub for a few more months .

If you need to grab the snake out just reach in and grab it , the more you muck around the more stressed it will become , you may get bitten but at that size it wont hurt much ;)
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I am only a newbie at keeping snakes, but my opinion would be to feed the snake with tweezers, instead of hand feeding, otherwise it might think every time you put your hand in the cage, it's feed time.....

yea iv never attempted to hand feed him ( way to much like asking for trouble) i think i put a picture up of him feeding on blazes hand, yer thats just his special way of eating. decided to hang off the lock until he almost fell and blaze caught him.

i did have him in the CC until recently but because he was escaping into the big enclosure ( no idea how) a fair bit i decided to just leave his CC open in there and he went and made himself right at home.

ill invest in a backing on wednesday and until then just keep him covered like norm. thanks :)
Seems like a case of small snake syndrome! My stimmie was the same until it was nearly 2, now it's so laid back I have to check its not dead. I agree with everyone else so far, up the feed size and don't worry too much it will all be good down the track. Some reptiles just don't take change well, one of my bearded dragons sulked for a month and hardly ate when I changed his enclosure.
lol someone else mentioned that he might have small snake syndrome just after i got him! so funny. thats why i will be getting a bigger breed next time. iv moved him back into his CC and made sure his fave hides are in there. he didnt seem to impressed to be back but he had a look around attacked a few things then went back under his egg carton. im gonna cover and leave him for a bit and see how he is on wednesay when i feed him the bigger nomnoms.
My lil 6 month of children's is the same. Very nasty and bites, it's just the size of us compared to them, the ore u handle him the better he will get. I started just handling him a minute a day n I'll keep this up for about 1 month, then it'll be about 2 mins a day, it's only about twice or three times a week that I handle him. I found once his outta his click clack his fine, it's just getting him out. Goodluck.
I would say keep handling him for a little each day and CaptainRatbag is good with advice so diddo what he said lol. Gorgoo was a fighsty little bugger when i got him but he is all good now. I think age has alot to do with it :)
sounds like its a nasty little bugger, like others have said, once its a bit older and a bit bigger it should be less flighty and bite-y, i think a lot of it comes from instincts and not from the owner.

however i would not completely leave it alone, try to hold it a couple times a week, short, low stress sessions.

good luck and don't lose hope!
i get my elcho island childerni python's on friday
but there yearling so hopfuly they wont bit
but i want them to bit only once so i no what it
feels like
well i get them (tomorrow)
hoot hoot
awesome blake! lol i was so impatient when i was waiting for pretzels to get home.
i knew biting was a giving when i got a snake but i assumed he would get better with time if i was doing everything right.
good luck with your snake! cant wait to see pics
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