Filter for turtle tank size?

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what sized filter will i need for a 100l turtle tank? It has 5 turtles, 5-10cm carapace length. a few fish and feeder crays. I was thinking 500l per hour or wouldi need more?

Is it just me or does 5 turtles in a 100L tank seem a bit cramped i think it works out to about 1mt x 30cm x 40cm....

I have my 2 Murrays in a 160lt tank which i'd say is the minimum for their own wellbeing..

Just my opinion, not taking a dig at Hornet but i just think turtles need more room especially 5 of them...
yes i'm well aware they need more room. Buying more tanks soon
what sized filter will i need for a 100l turtle tank? It has 5 turtles, 5-10cm carapace length. a few fish and feeder crays. I was thinking 500l per hour or wouldi need more?

My basic recommendation for clients is 8-10 water volumes per hour minimum (3-4 is the norm for fish). Below this we see increased bacterial load in the water and increased disease even with weekly cleaning. Overpowered is always better than under powered for turtles. If the water flow is too strong for little guys then use a spray arm to diffuse it.
I've got a 2000lph internal filter and a 1200lph undergravel filter in a 5ft by 2ft tank and it keeps the water crystal clear.
any pics saz?
im looking at buy a 6x2x2 and need some idears for the filters and stuff.
has anybody looked at pond filters they have them at bunnings for $99, they look like they would turn over more than an aquarium filter .
in my 6X2X2 smaller tanks
i run a rena xp3

and it does the job perfectly
how high is the water in your 6x2x2 ideav, half way?
what is living in it?
i cant stand cloudy tanks so i thinking of going over kill on the filters, but if the 3xp is good ill look in to it
age of aquriums is the cheapest i have found as well i got 2 canister filters for $50 each so its cheaper then wat u got and i got to lol. with canister filters brand is pritty much nothing. the main thing is the amount of layers of filteration and lph. but u find the ones that are all most to times as much only have one more layer of filteration when you can get two and when u add up the filteration and lph u get alot better deal for ya money
and i wouldnt get a over hang filter lol
unless u love the sound of some one peeing all day and night in ya room into your tank lol.
they are only good if your water level is high but turtles are lower
and i wouldnt get a over hang filter lol
unless u love the sound of some one peeing all day and night in ya room into your tank lol.
they are only good if your water level is high but turtles are lower

lol my tank is in a diffrent room so i dnt hear it lol,, heres my tank, (just put sand in when pic was taken thats y its abit cloudy)
lol i made the mistake of geting hang on filters for my cichlid tank and when the water leave droped about 5cm it was unbarable lol so i got canisterfilters
Its more to do with the surface area of the filter than how much it turns over. Water turn over is important, dont get me wrong, but without a good surface area the filter can't pick up much waste. Therefore, a 400l/h external canister will keep your tank cleaner than a 2000l/h internal one.
Its more to do with the surface area of the filter than how much it turns over. Water turn over is important, dont get me wrong, but without a good surface area the filter can't pick up much waste. Therefore, a 400l/h external canister will keep your tank cleaner than a 2000l/h internal one.

whats the diffrence between a external & internal filters
external filters are bigger. Therefore they hold more filter media which in turn holds more waste.
bigger and better lol plus u can choose your own media for it insted of just havinging a spungy thing. i got a mesh to stop lager poo then a wool like material then these white cilenders about 1cm long piled all over each other whitch is for smell and also stops poo:| gotta stop that poo :p
Hornet, if i were you id look for a used eheim 2217 classic, will cost you a bit more but like someones said you get what you pay for, esp when it comes to external filters, Also Hagen fluval externals arent too bad & in my experince much more reliable than the rena ones ., Aqua one externals arent very good, infact id put them in the same reliability bracket as renas.
I had a single male kreffts in a 4ft x 18" x 15" tank, nearly full with a 10cm gap at the top... used a aqua nova CF1500, which is 1500L/hr, has 4 media baskets... packed mine full of sponges (used 2 sponges in the bottom tray) a basket of carbon and the two top baskets had bio rings in them for biological filtration... worked beautifully in that tank, was very happy, kept the ammonia and nitrite levels down perfectly. have had this filter for nearly a year now, still going the same as when i got it, no issues whatso ever.

got it from "the age of aquariums"; a store based in browns plains, brisbane... $99 for this filter. originally i just got it as a temporary filtration fix, thinking it wouldnt last long.. but its still going well and has proven me wrong so far
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