First feeding problem

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Ok, well my BHP was fed tonight and took to it like a skark as usual, he was doing fine and swallowed the mouse and started looking for more, all usual. I went back 10 minutes later and he was eating the mouse again, so obviously he regurgitated (I believe he ate it backwards first so that caused it perhaps??), Anyhue, i let him do his thing and checked up on him - from a distance where it doesnt disturb him - and half hour later he was still trying to eat this mouse. He had been sitting in the cold side of the enclosure all this time so he was pretty lethargic. I then decided to disturb him and he spat the food out, so i took it away from him, and incoraged him to go to the heatmat to warm up. He was quite bloated looking and felt like gas was moving around and seemed like he was 'burping'. When he settled on the heat he held his mouth open for a few seconds.
Any ideas on what happened?
He is fine now, back to himself, so i might try feed again in a day or two.

Anyone ever had this kind of thing happen? Do BHPs sometimes swallow air while feeding and get gassy?

Thanks in advace - ps search didnt have anything relevant hehe
Not sure new to the game but my bredlie always eats his food backward
Wish i could help, but i havent even had one regurgitate before :|
Anyone. This morning he is back to normal and is coming up to the glass for food, so he is fine. I just want to know if i should try feeding again tonight.
never had a regurge before but if a snake won't eat for me i always just leave them be for another week and try again.

I definately wouldn't try again tonight. Give him atleast a few days to chill out and sit on the heat, probably was a stressfull night for him.
I sure hope not! Actually come to think of it when he first ate it he was twisted around the water container and ate it with his head and part body upside-down. Perhaps this caused it?
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