Active Member
Hello all, I will be getting a Coastal Carpet Python soon (just waiting for my reptile license to come through)
And I am doing some research on the enclosures
And this is the info I have came up with
So could someone please read it, and tell me if I have it all right, or if I got something wrong or am missing something
CLICK CLACK - Or Very Small Enclosure
Heat Mat on one side - Hot Side - No higher than 32°C (26°C - 32°C Air Temp)
Water Dish on the cooler side - Cooler Side should be around room temp (10°C-20°C)
Hides - Toilet Paper Rolls - Things to climb on - Substrate
Thermometer (one on hot side/one on cool side)
4Lx2Wx2H Enclosure (in feet)
Heat Mat on one side - Hot Side - 32°C+ on The hot side
On the same side - Heat Lamp/UV light - 32°C+ On the hot side
Basking spot on the hot side
Branches for climbing
Water Dish on the cooler side - Cooler side should be around room temp (10°C-20°C)
Thermometer (one on hot side/one on cool side)
Does that all seem about right? am I missing anything? Humidity or anything?
And I am doing some research on the enclosures
And this is the info I have came up with
So could someone please read it, and tell me if I have it all right, or if I got something wrong or am missing something
CLICK CLACK - Or Very Small Enclosure
Heat Mat on one side - Hot Side - No higher than 32°C (26°C - 32°C Air Temp)
Water Dish on the cooler side - Cooler Side should be around room temp (10°C-20°C)
Hides - Toilet Paper Rolls - Things to climb on - Substrate
Thermometer (one on hot side/one on cool side)
4Lx2Wx2H Enclosure (in feet)
Heat Mat on one side - Hot Side - 32°C+ on The hot side
On the same side - Heat Lamp/UV light - 32°C+ On the hot side
Basking spot on the hot side
Branches for climbing
Water Dish on the cooler side - Cooler side should be around room temp (10°C-20°C)
Thermometer (one on hot side/one on cool side)
Does that all seem about right? am I missing anything? Humidity or anything?