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Mar 26, 2009
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I was thinging about getting an Inland carpet python as a first snake but i have dogs. would this be a problem, as long as i kept the snake in my room while it was out? All my dogs are obedient/ calm.
I know some people who have their dogs around their snakes (mine have met) but animals are so instinctive it is wise to keep them seperated. it would only take one good bite from a dog to seriously injure a snake. or for the snake to bite the dog from smell/fear and then have the dog retaliate. as long as you are responsible and never leave your snake out unsupervised it will be fine. good luck!
I have 2 dogs. They are always outside if the snake comes out. And snake's house is kept in a room that I have taught the dogs, if they're inside they are not allowed in. But it's nice to take snake outside for some sun, I have taken snake outside while the dogs are there, they don't jump. But I think most of the time both snake and dogs want to investigate each other. But I never let them. If either gets to irritated I take snake back inside.

But overall I have all animals living in unity.
My dog ignores my snakes when they are in theyre enclosure but i would never have them near him when they are out. Not worth the risk imo
Hi Miss_Kaos,
I have a little coastal carpet and he has absolutely no problems with my dogs, and the dogs have no problem with with him. Having said that i wouldn't trust either of them with the other because they are after all, animals and i guess it only takes a split second for instinct to take over. So long as your enclosure is tight and secure i highly doubt that you will have problems.
I was thinging about getting an Inland carpet python as a first snake but i have dogs. would this be a problem, as long as i kept the snake in my room while it was out? All my dogs are obedient/ calm.

good first python is the MD:D
we have dogs and a cat, don't have any problems, just make sure its locked up when your out or keep the door shut to the room:) Inland Carpets.htm
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