foggy pupil in python

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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wide bay
i was feeding some of my "zoo" just before and noticed some thing distressing,

my male white diamond, has one foggy pupil, NOT THE WHOLE eye just the pupil, im rulling out the "retained spectical" as
A. his last shed had both eye scales in tact and
B. its not the whole eye thats foged up, just the pupil
also, with a retained eye scale, you can see that there is obvously some thing on the eye,

so any ideas whats going on with him?
keeping inmind that it is NOT retained shed skin,

will he go blind in that eye and it is only the one eye at this stage.

is it a paracite causing it? or prehaps he some how managed to scratch his eye? (probably not, it looks like its on the inside of the eye)
or an iratation to some thing elce ?

i don't know ... ideas?

Could be an infection. Foggy eye usually means blind or going blind. But still get it to vet, and don't worry even if he loses sight in that eye you won't hardly notice any difference. Losing an eye is no real issue to a captive python .
How old is your python? Possible cataract?? Pics will help and if you're concerned for his well-being a vet check up would be wise.
i just fed him so i dont want to disturb him too much,

he was from a 06 clutch so he would be 5 yr old this year.
he was 3yr old when i got him so ive had him for about 2 yrs now.

i dont know if you can tell too much from this pic.
his other eye is compleatly normal
diamond eye 1.png
does the effected pupil stay larger than the other when light is shined in it? I havent seen cataracts in reptiles before but other animals i have delt with they look similar to your pic, but the only way to tell for sure is a vet check
the pupil still reacts to light as normal (shine a light in his eye it retractes, make it dark it expands) and the reaction time is still normal too, (dosent take any longer then the othere normal looking eye to react to changing light lvs.)
Sounds like a cataract from your description. Any recent falls or knocks to the head?
no, not that i know of.
he also spent a lot of time fully submerged in his watter bowl after he had eaten too,
that i found odd as he dosent normal do that.

but i dont think he has resently a fall, or bumped his head/face aganst anything.
The snake may have abraded the spectacle scale on something rough, giving the convex surface a whitish appearance. I'd wait until the next shed, and if it's still there, get it to a vet because in that case it's indicative of an infection or growth.
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