Food size and amount for Childrens pythons

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New Member
Sep 27, 2010
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Hi everyone,

just picked up my childrens python today. The guy I got him from said he eats 2 weaner mice a week.

I went to get some weaner mice today but all I could get were hopper mice.

So my question is do I feed him 2 hopper mice or just the one.


i think hoppers are smaller than weaners ..... so there for it should handle two no issues
Is sometimes a good idea to let a new addition settle in for a week or two before a feed. If he is comfortable with his hide, he'll tuck himself away after the first if he's had enough, but hang around for seconds if he has the room...
just gave him the other one and he scoffed it down!!!

He got a few pieces of aspen in his mouth is that a problem??

Thanks guys
hey mate just feed my year old childrens today i upgraded to fuzzy rats was on pinky rats for 6 month
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