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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2011
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With a few “lost my snake“threads around on a few forums i thought i would see how many people have amusing stories about found escapees.
Heres mine:
On the way home from work (about 5 years ago) i got a call from my bf at the time telling me lillith (my angry coastal hatchie) was not in her enclosure. I rushed home to find a terrified bf on the couch with an equally terrified lillth in the centre of the lounge room with her click clack over her laden down with heavy phone books. When i asked what the hell was going on aparently after calling me my bf had taken a shower and wearing only a towel sat down on the couch to watch tv. To his terror when he looked down, there was a very upset lillith about to strike his ummm “trouser snake“. He leaped up as she took a strike at him and she landed on the floor. He quickly grabbed her click clack and placed it over her and added the phone books and waited anxiously for me to get home. Angry upset lillith was ok just glad we found her and she was more than happy to go home.
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Im not trying to have a go here but I dont think any escapee story should be considered funny, if your loosing animals you need to assess your husbandry.

Im not saying I've never lost a snake (had an escapee or two when I was younger) But I have corrected husbandry and havent lost an animal for over 8 years now (touchwood lol)

The escape wasnt funny but i thought the way we found her was. As stated this was 5 years ago and hadnt had an escapee since. It was more of a funny places you have found your escapees post not a oh its funny my snake escaped post.....

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Im not trying to have a go here but I dont think any escapee story should be considered funny, if your loosing animals you need to assess your husbandry.

Im not saying I've never lost a snake (had an escapee or two when I was younger) But I have corrected husbandry and havent lost an animal for over 8 years now (touchwood lol)


I think the image of a grown man (probably naked) cowering in fear from a hatchie that's trapped under a box with phone books on it quite hilarious!

No one thinks it's funny to lose a snake, the OP actually says she's after stories from when the snakes have been found.

A friend of mine used to smoke a lot of weed, and got his python out one night for a bit of free range time. He also had a huge polished tree-stump coffee table, some kind of mangrove root or similar. Being that weed makes you stop paying attention to things, he forgot about his snake, only to see the end of her tail disappearing into the base of his coffee table. He actually had to take a day off work to sit there and wait for her to come out!

Mine could have gone pear-shaped really quickly, but luckily it didn't. Our Darwin was missing for 5 months after someone left her enclosure unlocked, when she appeared in the lounge room one morning. My sister stepped out into the lounge to see Slippery Gypsy just sitting there in the middle of the floor, with 3 of the 4 dogs and 2 of the cats surrounding her. She wasn't fazed at all, just going about her business, but by god the dogs and cats were keen!!! Luckily she was fine, not a scratch on her after 5 months on the lam :)

She also got out again recently, from an enclosure that was not only locked, but secured with an additional bungee strap. She was only gone for 6 days that time before showing up in the kitchen. She's now back in the enclosure she escaped from, but it's got a lock, a bungee strap and two tie down ratchet straps while I'm waiting for the sliding door locks I ordered for the new enclosures to arrive.
I've only had 2 snakes escape. One was about 12 years ago and the other (I'm ashamed to say) about 2 months ago. The first one was a juvenile coastal that I was keeping in a large, mainly perspex enclosure (I didn't know much back then) and it just disappeared one day. It was gone for three months and then one day the dog was barking his head off at the couch and there was a snakes head sticking out from between some stitching :)

The second one was a jungle I bought recently and after setting up his nice new enclosure and settling him in it for the first night I forgot to lock it. Next morning the door was slightly open and the snake was gone! Crap! I thought... think like a snake! The enclosure was right beside a couch and the open door side was butted up against it. I lifted the first cushion on the couch and there it was :) Lucky!
My 9 month old Lacey escaped in my bedroom one afternoon, searched for a while till I just decided to leave a piece of meat out and some heat on the floor with the room locked. Came back in and saw the tail sticking out from the top of the curtains on my window ( good 2m up ), should have looked there first tbh, cheeky bugger had the rodent in his mouth.
My jungle escaped from his enclosure years back. I didn't shut the glass door properly and he decided to go exploring. He was my only snake and at the time I kept my mice in an enclosure in the same room. Needless to say I arrived home to find I was down 13 mice but I had one very fat, content python sleeping under a pillow! . . . . Never thought a python would be that greedy lol
Another one (god I sound like an awful keeper :() Not long after I first got him, my water monitor disappeared. Turns out he was able to push the flyscreen lid off the tank enough to get out. He was gone for about 2 weeks and being a baby, I didn't think I'd ever see him again. I also kept my breeding tub of woodies in my room as the house was being renovated and I didn't have anywhere else to keep it. One of the panels of mesh on top of the woodie container had fallen off ages ago but I wasn't concerned as the lip was fluoned, so just left it open. I had this nagging feeling that I was running low on woodies, then one night I was up late and heard noises in my bedroom. Little bugger was in the woodie box absolutely gorging himself!!! Later on I realised he had been having a great time, eating all my woodies and using the xbox power box as a basking spot :)
Shortly after I got my Stimmi he escaped from his click clack. My wife had got him out to show someone while I was away and hadnt put the lid on properly. After an hour of searching one very angry Stimmi was discovered at the bottom of a plastic tub full of barbie dolls. Fortunately my girls didnt decide to play barbie dolls before we found him.

He was very angry at his freedom being cut short - the only time ever he has done the "S" and struck at anything within range.

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I was looking after a friend's snake a couple of years ago and, because I was unfamiliar with the enclosure, I didn't lock the door properly. So, to my dismay, I came out one afternoon to find the door open and the snake gone. Obviously I felt absolutely horrible because it wasn't even my animal. So we went on nightly snake hunts and printed flyers out for all of the close neighbours letting them know that she was harmless and not to hurt her if they found her but instead to call me. After two weeks, I had pretty much given up looking until I happened to walk outside and notice my brother's pet budgie wasn't sitting on its perch. Instead I was greeted with the sight shown in the photos below. She'd been skinny enough to fit through the bars to get the bird but too fat afterwards to escape. Just goes to show that they often won't go far even when they do escape. She was being kept outside in the garage and could have gone anywhere but she didn't even leave the area within a few square metres of her enclosure.

PS I get your point Benny but there's no harm in laughing at your own stupidity and sharing a possibly funny outcome.

one night i did the check up on all my snakes, including the woma python in my room, across from my bed, so i hopped into bed and fell asleep, and early in the morning at about 6:30 (yes thats early for me haha) i woke up randomly, looked up at the time and thought sweet another hour of sleeping so i turned around to fall back asleep only to be staring right into the face of my woma! hahaha, he would of had to crawl over me or come up the side of the bed, i dont know how long he had been there but he didnt try bite me, gotta love womas <3
I was looking after a friend's snake a couple of years ago and, because I was unfamiliar with the enclosure, I didn't lock the door properly. So, to my dismay, I came out one afternoon to find the door open and the snake gone. Obviously I felt absolutely horrible because it wasn't even my animal. So we went on nightly snake hunts and printed flyers out for all of the close neighbours letting them know that she was harmless and not to hurt her if they found her but instead to call me. After two weeks, I had pretty much given up looking until I happened to walk outside and notice my brother's pet budgie wasn't sitting on its perch. Instead I was greeted with the sight shown in the photos below. She'd been skinny enough to fit through the bars to get the bird but too fat afterwards to escape. Just goes to show that they often won't go far even when they do escape. She was being kept outside in the garage and could have gone anywhere but she didn't even leave the area within a few square metres of her enclosure.

PS I get your point Benny but there's no harm in laughing at your own stupidity and sharing a possibly funny outcome.

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Note to self: If I ever lose a snake, put a bird in a cage in my house.
When I first got my Bredli hatchie I had to slightly enlarge one of the holes to get my thermostat probe in. Being obsessive about her getting out I made sure the hole with the wire passing through it was significantly smaller than the hatchie. That night I dreamt that I woke up and she was on the door staring at me. About 4 am I woke as the dream kept re occurring. Went out to check on her and found her curled up beside the heat mat right next to her enclosure keeping warm. Still cant work out how she managed to squeeze through the hole as to see it you woudnt think it was possible. (Approx. the thickness of a pen)
A long time ago my brother was working in FNQ building the Etty Bay rd. , one of his workers found an injured snake after some clearing equipment had been through . My brother decided to put the snake in the boot of "my " car and take it to the local vet , Funny they could not find it so he drove home and with my concerned snake fearing parents looking on from a safe distance . Snake not found so he put the car back together . His time in the north ended so he came back to Sydney leaving my car locked up at the back of the block . One month latter I went for a holiday and got to the car smelling something not nice ,, Opened the car and found the smell ,pulled the car apart but could not actually locate the snake ,left it open for a week so I could get in the car I drove straight to the local tip and said goodbye , Not funny then but we always laugh about it now .
My only escapee was one of my stimmies, wife hadn't shut the enclosure properly just before we went away for a weekend. Came back and started to check critters were all fine and no stimmi to be found. After searching nearly everywhere my wife started looking in places I had already looked.

The cheeky blighter was inside an open Kritters crumble bag. Seems I picked the right substrate if the stimmie would prefer to sit on it rather than go out the door which was 2m away.
My Woma escaped once and i had aheart attack as normally when i let her out she gets herself into all sorts of mischief trying to climb and nocking things over or heads straight to the fridge, i searched high and low and luckily she is too big to fit under any doors to get out of the unit, was just about to call work to say i cant come in and the last place i searched was under my bed and she was stretched out fast asleep. Needless to say she is under lock and key now :)
One time when I first moved my first coastal from his click clack to his bigger intermediate sized enclosure I was really worried about him getting out through the gap in the glass sliding doors. I would constantly go and check him almost every hour while I was home maybe a bit over the top but he was my first hatchling and I was stressing. After about a week of this and settling down a lot I went to check on him and could not see him anywhere, I thought my biggest fear had come true. I pulled all of the hides and furniture out looking in each hiding spot carefully then searched the glass enclosure even running my hand around in case I could not see him for some reason. I had now started to panic and get sweat beads on my forehead and was a little frantic. I put all the stuff back in and went away to think about where he could be and would have a thought that maybe I missed a spot so I would go back down and go through the procedure again. After doing this about three times my wife saw me and asked what I was doing , who does not like snakes and I gingerly told her that we now had a loose snake under the house and it may head for the warmth of the laundry. The look on her face told a thousand words then all of a sudden her expression changed and it was a scared crossed excited look. She pointed beside me to the fake plant that was in the enclosure and as I turned to look I noticed that my snake was curled up in the plant all along.
a lot of people blaming their wives on here haha. First snake,first night got out when I was like 10 but found it curled under its enclosure so lucky.
My first Bredli was in it's enclosure less than 2 hours when I realised I couldn't see her anymore, I ripped the whole room apart and spent hours going through everything in the house before my wife asked if it was possible for it to get into the fluro. I thought she was mad but I grabbed a screwdriver and pulled it apart mainly to please her. Needless to say the wife was right and I haven't heard the end of it since. I no longer have a fluro in her enclosure either.
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