Gecko Egg Incubation

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Very Well-Known Member
May 16, 2007
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Gladstone, QLD
Just wondering how much the temperature would be able to fluctuate before harming the eggs? They are Steindachneris, she just layed this morning so these are the first eggs under my care.

I found the coolest part of the house as the ambient is 32'C+, but they are currently at 28.8, 29.3 this morning. Will this harm them at all even though its staying within range?

Here are proud parents and very tiny eggs! :shock::D


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They are but the temp is still fluctuating a little, ive been fiddling with the thermo all day but can't get it perfect yet. Plus im worried seeing as its so hot here if the temperature rises to much the incubator will actually hold in the heat making it worse.

I had it set to 31.5 for when / if my carpet eggs are ready, I forgot to change it over to the gecko temp as I didn't think she'd lay so soon. Its a pulse mircoclimate.
I had my eggs hit 33 a few days last season but i had no probs... Good thing with box pattern eggs is they will hatch in around the 45-50 days @ 29deg
Ah thats great. I couldn't find any information specific of Steins so I was expecting around 60 days. :D
If you are struggling to keep temps down on hot days, I used to place an ice pack inside the incubator in a tub of water, used to work a treat, when my incubator lived in the garage. Mind you mine was a big incubator so temp didn't really drop too much when it was placed inside.
What are you using as an incubator? It sounds as though it isn`t insulated enough, My reptile room sits at a steady 32c and i don`t have any problem keeping my gecko incubator at 28.5 in the same room usimg a microclimate pulse proportional thermostat.
Just a sealed foam box, seems to be running better now so ill keep an eye out tomorrow during the hottest part of the day and see what it does. :)
Sit it on the floor or the lowest part of the house as heat rises.
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