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Not so new Member
Nov 25, 2008
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Melbourne, Australia.
Has anyone seen, or ever used these traps before?

I found a live mouse stuck on one of those things at work. And I have to say, these are one of the most inhumane things I have ever seen. His back legs seemed to be heavily bruised and broken, parts of skin ripped off in many places and his body was at such a contorted, torturous angle that the poor thing must've tried so hard pulling itself off for god knows how many hours overnight. With every movement he was squeaking pain, so he was clearly in a lot of physical distress.

A couple of my workmates also saw the injured animal. With an expression of indifference over the sight, they told me just to chuck it into the rubbish tip downstairs and I shouldn't feel bad about it because it was "just a mouse". Unbelievable. :?

Well, I had none of that. My conscience told me that this level of suffering was unacceptable, so I took him outside with a plastic bag, put him and the trap in the bag, found a vacant brick and did the deed. Felt sick afterwards, even went to my boss and told him about it. He sympathised with me and said that he was unaware that the pest control company was using glue traps, and promised that he would not only throw out the rest of them, but would order them to use more humane alternatives. Which, of course, I agreed with - with so many more humane methods out there, why would one use such a barbaric thing?

I'm in the school of thought that if you are to kill an animal, it should be done quickly, or at least minimise suffering rather than maximising it. This is why I found my workmates' suggestion offensive - fair enough that you have to kill a pest animal, but why let it suffer on super glue where it will just rip itself apart and dehydrate/starve? I don't get it. At least your traditional mouse trap is quick.

Having done a little more research on the matter, my initial thoughts were made clear. If anyone really wants to see how bad they really are, search it on YouTube - but if you're sensitive to this sort of stuff, I'd advise against it.
That is horrible, you did the right thing.
I suppose mouse/rat traps are not much different. I have seen mice/rats caught in them and still alive. How do you think things like Ratsak and the like kill rodents, they bleed to death internally! Many, many years ago I kept native birds and aviaries always attract mice and rats. I used the glue traps but inspected them regularly and disposed of the rodents swiftly.
you did the right thing, there should be more people like you in this world.
I suppose mouse/rat traps are not much different. I have seen mice/rats caught in them and still alive.

Most of the time, a snap trap results in an instantaneous death. Cage traps don't result in such psychical trauma, neither do ones that electrocute them. I suppose we can't prevent cruelty 100%, but there is nothing more cruel than a glue trap. I think they should be banned.

How do you think things like Ratsak and the like kill rodents, they bleed to death internally! Many, many years ago I kept native birds and aviaries always attract mice and rats. I used the glue traps but inspected them regularly and disposed of the rodents swiftly.
Depends on the type of poison, but I'm no expert so I can't say for sure. Is bleeding to death really that painful? I dunno. But I'd never use poison anyway.
Most of the time, a snap trap results in an instantaneous death. Cage traps don't result in such psychical trauma, neither do ones that electrocute them. I suppose we can't prevent cruelty 100%, but there is nothing more cruel than a glue trap. I think they should be banned.

Depends on the type of poison, but I'm no expert so I can't say for sure. Is bleeding to death really that painful? I dunno. But I'd never use poison anyway.
There was a push to ban these things a couple of years ago, some hardware stores did (along with bird netting) but you still see them in the $2 shops.
Just a tip - olive oil spray if you ever come across something that needs unsticking.
should use elliot traps then a nice clean neck break. no pain, no suffering, no poisoned rodents stuck behind furniture, no goey bits. just all round effective...... only if you have good bait. lol
There was a push to ban these things a couple of years ago, some hardware stores did (along with bird netting) but you still see them in the $2 shops.
Just a tip - olive oil spray if you ever come across something that needs unsticking.

I believe they are already illegal in Tasmania. Victoria still considering a ban... tho good thing to see that hardware and supermarket chains have taken them off shelves. I think this is a good sign.
I've heard of these things and I agree, they should be banned.

Just use the snap-trap type with decent bait (A small piece of bread drowned with almond essence works REALLY well) and check the traps frequently.
i pulled a bearded dragon off one at work about a month ago :( poor thing
thats awful,... :(

the snap ones work great most of the time, al least its better than making them all suffer.
yea they are really bad my friend had some lying round his house and one day i was over and i looked down and there was a RBB stuck on it :(
The thing is though, where do you draw the line? Do you think a fly suffers after it has been sprayed, I'm sure they don't die peacefully when you see them buzzing around in circles on the floor! Does a fly, an ant, a spider deserve the same humane treatment as a mouse? I bet you don't knock a woodie or a cricket on the head before feeding it to your lizards! I agree if the glue traps are left lying around unsupervised then the rodent will invariably suffer. I used to put them around the exit from their holes and as soon as I saw one attach itself I would immediately dispatch it humanely. And to say that mouse/rat traps are humane, I have seen them in fodder stores with rodents half caught in them, still kicking. Maybe you have gone fishing or crabbing? Is a fish hook embedded in a fish's mouth humane, or putting crabs in boiling hot water, I'm sure they have feelings too.
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I don't like fishing or crabbing for those reasons, Fester. Especially putting the crabs in boiling water.

With flys, ants etc; I don't spray any of them. I simply let them live. keep a clean house and you don't have a problem- the spiders eat other unwanted animals, flys are just a pain and I rarely RARELY have a problem with ants! if I do use fly spray as soon as theyre on the ground or another surface I step on them/hit them.
Fester, there is no comparison between a glue trap and a snap trap. As a glue trap causes the animal to suffer 100% of the time, snap traps do occasionally. The majority of ppl who use glue traps do not sit around looking at the trap waiting for an animal to get caught, that is a responsible and reasonable way to use a glue trap. Most just set it and walk away.
same same, and if a roach gets bitten but not immediately killed when feedign the dragons i squish it immediately.

house roaches get slammed with a shoe,...spiders get caught and relocated outdoors,...

I don't like fishing or crabbing for those reasons, Fester. Especially putting the crabs in boiling water.

With flys, ants etc; I don't spray any of them. I simply let them live. keep a clean house and you don't have a problem- the spiders eat other unwanted animals, flys are just a pain and I rarely RARELY have a problem with ants! if I do use fly spray as soon as theyre on the ground or another surface I step on them/hit them.
The thing is though, where do you draw the line? Do you think a fly suffers after it has been sprayed, I'm sure they don't die peacefully when you see them buzzing around in circles on the floor! Does a fly, an ant, a spider deserve the same humane treatment as a mouse?

Anything that has the capacity to suffer deserves humane treatment. I wouldn't qualify insects because they have nervous systems so primitive that they do not even have pain receptors. Besides, when you dispatch insects, such as swatting them, they die very quickly anyway so I don't see an issue here. Mice, like all rodents, are mammals with highly developed nervous systems and feel pain much like a dog, cat or you and I can.

Is a fish hook embedded in a fish's mouth humane, or putting crabs in boiling hot water, I'm sure they have feelings too.
Well, I don't leave it to suffer on a hook, I promptly dispatch it. I don't think you're allowed to boil crabs live anymore, despite them being on the level of insects as far as nervous systems go. Besides, most chefs destroy the brain by using a sharp knife before putting them in the boiling pot.

And I would say glue traps are far more inhumane considering the length of time it takes for the animal to die, and the pain involved.

channi said:
The majority of ppl who use glue traps do not sit around looking at the trap waiting for an animal to get caught, that is a responsible and reasonable way to use a glue trap. Most just set it and walk away.

Even worse, people have the callousness to throw them away alive. :( It's these kind of people who deserve something karmic being inflicted on them.
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Anything that has the capacity to suffer deserves humane treatment. I wouldn't qualify insects because they have nervous systems so primitive that they do not even have pain receptors. Besides, when you dispatch insects, such as swatting them, they die very quickly anyway so I don't see an issue here. Mice, like all rodents, are mammals with highly developed nervous systems and feel pain much like a dog, cat or you and I can.

Well, I don't leave it to suffer on a hook, I promptly dispatch it. I don't think you're allowed to boil crabs live anymore, despite them being on the level of insects as far as nervous systems go. Besides, most chefs destroy the brain by using a sharp knife before putting them in the boiling pot.

And I would say glue traps are far more inhumane considering the length of time it takes for the animal to die, and the pain involved.

Even worse, people have the callousness to throw them away alive. :( It's these kind of people who deserve something karmic being inflicted on them.

Terry, whilst I can understand where you are coming from, Fester said it best;
Where do we draw the line?
I've used glue traps in the past and they are effective. They stop the problem of wild mice. Which is what we want right?
Given that they are a pest (like cane toads, asian house geckos, fox, wild goats etc), I am glad to see one in the trap. Personally, I've never seen one with its skin ripped off in a glue trap etc, but I'll put that one down to creative journalism. :rolleyes:
I have seen mice caught across the back/legs/side of the head in conventional traps though. Still alive. In a glue trap, a knock over the back of the head and job done.

Where do we draw the line?

No-one wants torture or cruelty, yet you have to realise that rats/mice are a serious problem all over the country. City and country I should say. I think it has more to do with the whole touchy/feely people that just can't understand that life sometimes sucks.
Oh, and I don't see anyone posting horror and false indignation over the woman who burned the word 'wimp' into her 6yo daughters neck with a cigarette....

Where do we draw the line?

You do what you can. ;)
Personally, I've never seen one with its skin ripped off in a glue trap etc, but I'll put that one down to creative journalism. :rolleyes:

It happens because they will try everything they can do get off and the glue is that strong. It is well documented, and even research conducted by the Victorian government suggests so. Perhaps you'd like me to post you a few links to validate that claim? There is a scientific report citing such things and plenty of anecdotal evidence.

I have seen mice caught across the back/legs/side of the head in conventional traps though. Still alive. In a glue trap, a knock over the back of the head and job done.
Do you understand what the animal goes through on one of these things? Sometimes s snap trap might misfire, true, but you cannot compare it to what a glue trap can do.

No-one wants torture or cruelty, yet you have to realise that rats/mice are a serious problem all over the country. City and country I should say.
You are preaching to the converted here, of course they can be a problem, I didn't say otherwise. However, that is not really the point.

I think it has more to do with the whole touchy/feely people that just can't understand that life sometimes sucks.
Yeah, life sucks. But that doesn't give you an excuse to act in such a cruel manner. Sorry, but I don't adhere to the philosophy that just because life can be brutal at times means it's ok to act brutal.

Oh, and I don't see anyone posting horror and false indignation over the woman who burned the word 'wimp' into her 6yo daughters neck with a cigarette....
You're kidding, right?

You do what you can. ;)
Would that include a teenage sadist setting one on fire because he wanted to "kill it" ? Killing is one thing, but torture is another. It's not justifiable in any shape or form.

I believe your mind is trying to make you think that such a contraption cannot be that cruel, but sorry to tell the truth, but it is.
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