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Just wander if any of you guys are golfers. I just started to learn the game and my personal opinion is that it is great. Shame that i did not started earlier. For the moment i feel sorry for my friend. as he have to zigzag golf course with me and i am slowing him badly. That little tiny ball is so hard to hit. :D
Ive tried it a couple of times but bt golly you can keep it slatey i have the ST GEORGES BASIN COUNTRY CLUB golf course right behind me house and we get loads of golf balls....
oh i forget to say that i dive the golf balls to the little lads that are learning to play i think they are about 10 you see thyem practising every afternoon
LOL Jake
If you like, you can keep some golf balls for me, i will exchange them for rats :D
Must be the firewater at the 19th! :D
i play with my dad some times at the RAAF golf coarse in darwin. i spend more time consitrating on the local frillies than the ball
Lol...I go with my dad all the time......I am very popular over there..Especially with the old folks...I am always called over to remove that "venomous skink" out of the way...
Gee, I hope i dont get like that when I am old...:?: Lol
Love golf.Lived on the back of a course for years.
Used to go out nearly every day.
Can't really play no more my back doesn't like it.
Love the golf....just don't get out enough to play. There is a beautiful course at the back of Mudgeeraba (Gold Coast) called Boomerang Farm. Has roos all over the joint. The rules state that you drop a shot if you hit one but that's where I'm lucky 'cause the roos hang out on the fairways and I can't hit straight!
That is sad Robert. I am ejoying it a lot. But my skils are poor. Today i had 117 ouch.
My got magpie :x 18 holes body. My game is improoving slooooowwwwwly. :p
I've gone round in 72 before.
Then I played the back nine .....
Looks like you are as bad as me Magpie. It is always chance for improvement. I don't think that they have handicap high enough for you.
Lol Keep practising Magpie. Lot of money in golf.
Hope you feeding my snakes well.
Male finally ate a rat today slatey, all I had to do was wash it with detergent then scent it with mouse 3 times for him :S
Female ate 210g worth of rats, she's a darling :)
Great magpie. I am appriciate this effort, i have only rats.
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