Gravid Beardie Help

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
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Hey guys n Gals

I bought an enclosure and a pair of bearded dragons and they were not cool and the female is gravid will the eggs be duds or will they be fine and after she has laid should i cool them or just keep temps up?


Hi Damien,

Not sure if you are refering to cooling the eggs or the beards there.
You will only know the egg fertilisation once they have been laid.
As far as cooling the animals, you can certainly let them have a winter, provided that condition hasnt been lost in the female too much.

correct me if i;m wrong, but i don't believe you have to cool beardies at all to breed, i havn;t and i am pretty sure one of my females have eggs, it'd probably be good to brumate them for a bit it might boast the chances or fertility with the eggs. if you want to breed them more, you could brumate them abit but after she lays you would wanna put alot of condition back on her before you do
Most beardies will have at least 3 clutches of eggs out of the one mating, approx. 3 wks apart. So I wouldn't be cooling her at all, but rather keep up lots of food & calcium supps. Have u got your incubator ready??
Bearded Dragons don't need to be cooled as such, she will produce fertile eggs as long as she has had a few good matings. Keep them heated well now that she is gravid or you could possibly kill her.
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