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as more people own and breed them the supply over takes the demand and prices will crash. i personally think it needs to happen as gtp have had there day.
It doesn't matter how many hours you've put into clutches any how much your initial outlay was really. If you don't get enjoyment from the aspects of breeding then why are you doing it in the first place? Because your Steve Irwin wildlife conservationist? I don't think so. It's that all mighty $$$ again. How many people do you think seen and thought this is a great opportunity to make some cash in something i love doing when they were selling for 15 large. Probably more then most of you would like to admit. You outlaying that money originally, that's your problem. You could of brought stock or invested in a donut king stand. All are risk vs reward. Keeping reptiles is a luxury not a nesescity, western culture has massive consumerism and we have a pretty damn good economy so it is us at the end of the day who have more sway over prices after the initial release and buzz. Unless you want to keep all your clutches and stay in your little secret cloak and dagger society that is. Some of you are more then welcome to with how high you think you hold your nose up. Not everyone cares about the politics or even what goes into producing said animals or what isolated specific pocket of the jungle it comes from. And that doesn't mean they don't love the animal any less. At the end of the day don't forget your breeding for the market.
Jamie is dead right Andy, trust me, hence my sarcastic comment. Everybody can have an opinion but only some qualify.
An intelligent person can make a valid point in a discussion without being an expert. That is all I am saying and it in no way relates to any other post apart from the two between you and I.
And don't get me wrong either I'm simply pointing out the other side of the argument which really is no more right or wrong then Jamie's, which I happened to agree with aswell, it's true and was well said.
It doesn't matter how many hours you've put into clutches any how much your initial outlay was really. If you don't get enjoyment from the aspects of breeding then why are you doing it in the first place? Because your Steve Irwin wildlife conservationist? I don't think so. It's that all mighty $$$ again. How many people do you think seen and thought this is a great opportunity to make some cash in something i love doing when they were selling for 15 large. Probably more then most of you would like to admit. You outlaying that money originally, that's your problem. You could of brought stock or invested in a donut king stand. All are risk vs reward. Keeping reptiles is a luxury not a nesescity, western culture has massive consumerism and we have a pretty damn good economy so it is us at the end of the day who have more sway over prices after the initial release and buzz. Unless you want to keep all your clutches and stay in your little secret cloak and dagger society that is. Some of you are more then welcome to with how high you think you hold your nose up. Not everyone cares about the politics or even what goes into producing said animals or what isolated specific pocket of the jungle it comes from. And that doesn't mean they don't love the animal any less. At the end of the day don't forget your breeding for the market.
Well said!
10 years ago RSP were the same price as GTPs (in the 10k mark)... I just got one for trade for three unsexed hatchling geckos (yeah.. I know, cool story).

Why did the GTPs not plummet as much as the RSPs? I don't know?

I know what we could do though.. ask the breeders that breed them rather than crapping on about why their price is so high and making speculations.

I used to think the same (greedy high end breeders)... ahhh those were the days when ignorance was bliss but it never stopped me crying out whoe though as well.
But these days I know better (hopefully) and rather than having strong opinions on things I know sweet FA about... I ask questions first.
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Not so long ago the going price for a high quality 2 yr.old male centralian hypo was $1,500.00

What price are they now :)

Hypo centralian hatchlings were $400/450 ea........I know because I still have 3 now adults (prob.worth zilch.) but I like the animals anyway
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Yes but how many RSP have we seen for sale this season compared to GTP? I think we have already established that two things control the market: supply and demand. There are lots of RSP and not as much demand. For GTP to keep a reasonable place there must be a greater demand. As for Bredli... Well I think that is pretty self explanatory. They seem to be more common than weeds.

To be honest, I would prefer a pair of RSP to GTP but then if we all liked the same thing the world would be a very dull place.

Also I have no experience with breeding GTP or any pythons for that matter so feel free to disregard my opinion, as I obviously have no idea.
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I never flat out stated that its just greedy high end breeders. Read my posts properly first before seeing red and becoming fixated on it as apposed to reading all I had to say and thinking about it. A forum is a place for learning and discussion, and we are having a discussion. One of my points was the superior attitude alot of these breeders have, I'm well aware of all the work waterrat does for the hobby/conservation/animals etc however alot of his posts are snide remarks without explaining his belief or opinion. Therefore is it not just to form the opinion of them that I have. I know I am not alone in that either, the only diffrence is I will come out and say it. Again I'm not trying to start arguments or attacks I'm just discussing these things. So Red-Ink, if we don't have these threads or raise these issues/opinions/questions with everyone how are we supposed to know? Especially when breeders like waterrat hold his nose high avoids questions and drops degrading remarks. Are we supposed to conduct skull and bones smoke and daggers behind the scenes discussions and accept what's said without asking questions? Please don't take me the wrong way either red-ink (as is quick to happen on here ) as I'm not trying to be a smarty pants I'm just raising these points and asking these questions.
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Burnerism, I have learned a lot about the pitfalls of engaging in arguments on forums, that's why don't post any more. As for avoiding questions, look up my web site - I don't think what I do with my snakes can be more transparent. Yes, I avoid questions (especially provocative ones) that may lead to arguments but I share all my knowledge, experiences and fun with others in my publications and on Facebook.

No dramas Michael I was more just using your post as an example from red-ink about actually asking the breeders and the general results. Like I said tho I am aware of your vast amount of work and what you do actually put in and that is definitely invaluable I certainly wasn't questioning that. Also to generally clarify I'm not saying that the pure high end rarer animals should not command a higher price then the run of the mill readily available lines.
It doesn't matter how many hours you've put into clutches any how much your initial outlay was really. If you don't get enjoyment from the aspects of breeding then why are you doing it in the first place? Because your Steve Irwin wildlife conservationist? I don't think so. It's that all mighty $$$ again. How many people do you think seen and thought this is a great opportunity to make some cash in something i love doing when they were selling for 15 large. Probably more then most of you would like to admit. You outlaying that money originally, that's your problem. You could of brought stock or invested in a donut king stand. All are risk vs reward. Keeping reptiles is a luxury not a nesescity, western culture has massive consumerism and we have a pretty damn good economy so it is us at the end of the day who have more sway over prices after the initial release and buzz. Unless you want to keep all your clutches and stay in your little secret cloak and dagger society that is. Some of you are more then welcome to with how high you think you hold your nose up. Not everyone cares about the politics or even what goes into producing said animals or what isolated specific pocket of the jungle it comes from. And that doesn't mean they don't love the animal any less. At the end of the day don't forget your breeding for the market.
I think the majority of breeders are breeding snakes for the money and some find a bonus in that they enjoy it but not all breeders are greedy because they want to make money. I am sure there is some breeders that are greedy but you have to look at it like a business where the owner has to fork out the initial outlay and then spend their time in order to make money and their time is not free. If they were not spending a lot of time producing snakes and sometimes rats to feed the snakes they could be doing other work where they get paid money. The breeders want to get as much money back on there initial investment as any other other investor wants so will set the price of their product as high as the market will allow because lets face it if they set their price too high people will not buy their produce which brings me onto my next point. It is the consumer that has a big influence on pricing, if the consumer does not see the value in the product they will simply not buy it and the breeder will go out of business. You do make a lot of valid points but ultimately what Baden said is how it is , "At the end of the day a reptile is worth what two people agree on".
as more people own and breed them the supply over takes the demand and prices will crash. i personally think it needs to happen as gtp have had there day.

GTPS will never 'have their day'
they are far to lovely for that
first to admit that the 'golden age' of low supply and high prices is over
but there will always be a market for them
I got into my business because it was something I loved doing and was passionate about. But love and passion don't pay my mortgage or feed my kids so I have to charge a reasonable fee. If people don't think it's worth what I charge then they don't use my facility.

Snake breeding IS a business for some people and therefore is still governed by the principles of commerce. Supply vs demand.
I never flat out stated that its just greedy high end breeders. Read my posts properly first before seeing red and becoming fixated on it as apposed to reading all I had to say and thinking about it. A forum is a place for learning and discussion, and we are having a discussion. One of my points was the superior attitude alot of these breeders have, I'm well aware of all the work waterrat does for the hobby/conservation/animals etc however alot of his posts are snide remarks without explaining his belief or opinion. Therefore is it not just to form the opinion of them that I have. I know I am not alone in that either, the only diffrence is I will come out and say it. Again I'm not trying to start arguments or attacks I'm just discussing these things. So Red-Ink, if we don't have these threads or raise these issues/opinions/questions with everyone how are we supposed to know? Especially when breeders like waterrat hold his nose high avoids questions and drops degrading remarks. Are we supposed to conduct skull and bones smoke and daggers behind the scenes discussions and accept what's said without asking questions? Please don't take me the wrong way either red-ink (as is quick to happen on here ) as I'm not trying to be a smarty pants I'm just raising these points and asking these questions.

All good mate... not trying to start crap either. I just comment as I see it... no judgement of who's right and who's wrong when it comes to opinions.
I just wanted to point out that why don't we ask the breeders directly... If Michael is putting in the work, surely other breeders are as well.
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I just wanted to point out that why don't we ask the breeders directly... If Michael is putting in the work, surely other breeders are as well.

I would have agree! The amount of hours we put in here getting hatchlings feeding would astound most people, If we take into consideration this point alone EVERY person that breeds is not making very much from each hatchling sold if anything on some breeds!
Why then do we do it, Because we are pasionate about our chosen hobby!

For anyone who has never had a crack at this side of reptile husbandry but thinks they understand what we do/go through Think again as you really are not in a position to pass judgment!
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Oh my god people are breeding snakes to make money?How dare they do it for any reason but "passion". Its unfair that people are making money from their business instead of taking a loss for love of the hobby.

It's supply and demand. Its business. Its one person doing something for someone, in return for something from someone else. What's the big deal?

I don't know what goes into being a mechanic, so I don't whinge that they charge too much. Some others should do the same.
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