Very Well-Known Member
I hope she is okay JustDragons, She is a nice looking girl.
Let us know how she goes at the vets this afternoon.
Let us know how she goes at the vets this afternoon.
will do, when she wasnt sick she has the best blue markings. Im taking her home tonight after the vet, can anyone point me to a gtp care sheet just so i know i have everything comfy for her..
bummer , all the best to your mate , not a great thing to have happen when your on holidays out of the countryYeahshe is still trucking on, trying to move around the click clak but she is just pulling a dead weight as the tumor is around the cardio vascular system he said and is restricting blood flow to the bottom half, so when she is hanging on a branch her tail is filling with fluid hence the fat tail
I'm sorry to hear that. What really surprises me is that the tumor grew so quick. I'm sure it was there for a wile. Going from a claimed healthy snake to this in a week makes me wonder.
sorry to hear justdragons. as i mentioned about my coastal's tumor it happened in only a couple of days. i fed her and i thought it may have been a stuck regurge when i found the lump in her neck, then only a day later it was the size of a tennis ball. it can be very quick in reptiles, and after reading some of the above comments i am thinking it may have been triggered by the feed now. good luck with you're friend, i know it will be a tough conversation to have over the phone
@chris- Yeah mate thanks for the number.. He really is a great vet.