Guess what i found!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
Adelaide SA
Hello all,
Well if i aint the most damn lucky person in the world :)
Yes im very excited becasue today went down to my dads work, and what did i find? around 16 BIG sheets of melamine stacked againest the wall, my dad said that they'd come off a job he was doing, apparently the guy didn't want to build these desks anymore, so i've got as much melamine as i want to build my snakes enclosure
that scratches off the majour cost of enclosures on my list! I'm going to start building once my dad gets it cut!
great score. you are very lucky and are now hundreds of $$$$$$$ better off.
way to go
Thats awesome, definately have saved heaps on that find...
haha, where about do you live? you can pm me if you wooona as im in adelaide as well
Hate to tell you but the electrics cost a lot more than a sheet of melamine, glass also can cost heaps.
But all in all a good find
You got a good point there, but my dad is in the trade of building, so basically i can get most of the materials for free or at a discounted price, i would say im very lucky :)
keeping costs down

what l found is a cheap way to get glass is to buy really knocked about stereos and display cabinets [cheap]....remove the glass doors and cut them or get them cut, l had [4] doors recut and edges done last week..$8.00 each one for big sliders, l generally cut them myself and use a knife sharpening stone to take the sharpness off the edges, but thought l would try lt this way for a change....cheers solar 17 [baden]
I have a cousin who works for Bradnams Aluminium windows and he can get me sliding window frames,glass and all for next to nothing, 2nds or stock people have ordered and havent picked up. When right type and the right size frame comes along he's going to score for me. All I need is what you have, we should get together and trade,except im in Sydney.....damn..
but yep...great find....
My old man's a sparky and found a cattle dog with a whole range of heating equipment and thermostats. Pretty stoked because of tradies discount, plus he's doing the wiring. Stoked or what?
When we were looking to build our viv, hubby found some melamine in a waste bin at at building site, ready to be thrown out, so he got a couple of sheets.....nothing wrong with them, just not wanted. I pays to keep your eyes out. People throw out extra ordinary things.
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