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Oct 8, 2008
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Okay so i have had my bearded dragon for about 3 weeks now.
and when she first came here i didnt handle her at all to get her used to her new home.
Now how do i get her used to being handeled?
Whenever i stick my hand in to put a cricket in she opens her mouth in the defencive way and sometimes runs into her hide,
how can i make her used to me. I havnt tried picking her up yet because she seems so scared of me
i had the same thing, i just ignored him moved slowly and just left my hand in there a minute. he just watched me, then i slowy moved over to him he didn't moved just watched and then i sort of slid my hand under him and he didn't mind it did hiss at em though but stayed in my hand
Don't rush at him or move suddenly and just pick him up slowly and put him on your hand. I always hold the tail gently so they don't suddenly take off or fall. They will open their mouth but I've found that they rarely bite unless they are shedding and then they tend to be a bit grumpy. You could also try hand feeding him to try and get him used to your hand being so close to him.
Good Times Good Times when my babies bite me and dont leave a mark :lol: As babies they will think your a threat normally, one of mine likes to charge open mouthed, if you stop they will know biting/bearding etc will make you leave them alone.
okay. as long as she does get better. i dont want her hating me for all of her life :lol:
okay. as long as she does get better. i dont want her hating me for all of her life :lol:

It could be worse. :lol::lol:

I have a female Bredli Python that hates me. She's never in her hide and just sits there waiting for me to walk past and she strikes out at me all the time.
haha yeah well im getting my stimson tomorow. hopefully he isnt like that :p
I will try out what you guys said. Just slowy putting my hand in and stuff
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