Handling Python

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Jan 12, 2014
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Hello all!

I have recently purchased a my first python (a yearling Bredli python about 2 weeks ago)
He has settled in well and has eaten very enthusiastically twice.

I was thinking of introducing him to some handling in the next week and was wondering the best way to go about this.
He will come up to investigate my hand but move away pretty quickly (once he realises its not food)

I'd love to be able to handle him but I do not want him to stress out, so was wondering the best possible way to begin with minimal stress. I have tried using a hook but he absolutely despises it!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I appreciate any help or advice!

p.s I just want it to be as stress free for possible for him
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Is he in a tub? If so just reach in and pick him up halfway down his body without hesitation. Hold him like that until he settles and crawls up your arm. If he is trying to get away then let him slide through your hand and into the other one. Always bring the snake to your hand not your hand to the snake. Best way to do this is sitting down. That way you can let him go on the ground a bit too. Just be nice and calm and don't make sudden, quick movements and you'll be fine. Enjoy. :)
Most importantly, don't be nervous or stressed yourself. Our bredli doesn't like the hook either, but it's an easy way to get her out. Use your hand to get it out. Show your hand to the snake. Be confident when you pick it up, and make sure it doesn't wrap its tail around anything as you get it out. Once out, let it roam through your fingers and over your hands and arms. And not too close to your face to start with, until you are confident it won't strike you.
Hope that helps.

- - - Updated - - -

You got in while I was typing Senator. :)
Basically handling is as much about you getting used to the snake, as the snake getting used to you.
Thank you all so much for your advice!

I picked him up a short while ago and it all went very well and he was very relaxed and calm!
Until he pooped all over me and the floor!

Thank you again for your help, I really appreciate it. : )
Just reach into this tub, let him know you are there, just tap on the side a few times so its not a shock for him. Then when you go to actually to pick him up put your hand right next to him where he can see, and just gently touch his body (not is head) so that he is more aware you are then. Then just use your fingers to slide underneath him and lift him out. Don't grab him, some snakes don't like that and it feels threatening.

Once he's out, as others have said, just let him crawl over your hands, arms etc. No sudden movements, be gently with him. And be confident in what you are doing. If you **** fart around with a snake they are so much more likely to strike cause they are unsure what you are doing. The way I actually ended up getting used to freya, was putting my hand in the tank and touching her without looking. That made me feel less nervous, and I was saying" Go on bite me I don't care, doesn't even hurt" The whole time. She never did and shes such a sweetie, but yeah. Be confident! Would love to see some pics too :eek:
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