Hatchling rack

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Active Member
Sep 17, 2008
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ok so ive decided to knock up a rack to fit some hatchies
the rack is 12 shelves high and holds about 80 plastic tubs with lids
ive routed the gaps out for heat cable but by my calculations ill need 40m of heat cable (roughly)
is there such a thing as a 40mtr heat cable and if so how would i controll it ?

any help would be awesome

The biggest i have seen from general shops is 9m.
The slitherin racks say they come with 16mtr ones, but i don't have any idea where you would get one of these sorry.
But 40mtrs is a lot of cable and i think no matter what you will be using at least 2 or 3.
yeah thats kinda what i was thinkin

the shelf is 1.5m long and ive routed 2 groves each shelf to run cable down
so i need like at least 3m of cable each shelf then u got the bends and turns of tha cable too

ive see the 9mtr ones on the herp shop there like 100w or sumthing but im thinkin with the multiple shelves i supose run a few thermostats with the duel probe every 2nd or 3rd shelf
You could get some 9ms and plug them into a dimmer or pulsating stat which can control upto somthing like 600watts. You'd get away with it easily enough all into the one stat, the conditions of each sheve is allmost the same. Allthough saying that on my adult racks I run a stat for each cord.
*ponders* hmm ill see what i come up with cheers for the help guys
Mate try heating element suppliers for different wattage heat cord and they can recommend the wattage for the length req to obtain the heat you req etc to almost exact temps and can be very cheap..
Also try a refrigeration supply company to get the heat tape they use around the doors in large freezers or they can recommend someone in your area.
Bit of shopping around can save you lots and sounds like you r pretty handy so you will work it out.
Good luck mate
You can buy heat cord in bulk. I t is made for floor heating where it is embedded in the slab. An average house uses a few hundred meters.
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