hatchling stimsons

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Active Member
Jun 10, 2008
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hi i have 4 stimmy eggs that are going to hatch in the next week or so. i was just woundering wen they hatch do i leave them in the vermiculite in the incubator until they loose there ambilical cords or do i seperate them straight away into different click clacks? and spray some water on the tea towl so there cord doesnt stick any help would be greatly appreciated....

thanks a heap
If they go full term they shouldn,t have a cord. Put them seperately on paper towel. Their cord shouldn't stick. That way theywont cross infect if their is an exposed cord.
as Wokka said. other option is when they are all out of the egg, you can place the clutch in another container on moist paper towel and pop them back in the incubator till the shed, i find that the dark incubator aswell as the good humidity and stable temps is alittle more calming for new hatchies, also helps them shed a bit faster imo.

good luck.
thanks for that so when they hatch ill take them out place them into seperate containers with damp paper towel a hide and a water bowl is this right....?

and also because the paper towl is damp with the heat cord wouldnt this create alot of condensation inside the click clack? or is this alright?

thanks for the help
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