Head hasn't shed

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2008
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South Australia
Bonnie my 5yo Coastal shed two nights ago, but skin on her head has not come off. Continues about 2cm down the rest of her body. Have soaked her a few times but she doesnt like it and she is not the healthiest snake at present so am worried about stressing her to much. If I try pulling it off it is a little resistive but it comes away, though I worry about tears as I am pulling against the direction of the scales.

Any one know how long I should/can soak her for. It's a bit cool at the moment. This morning I used a bucket, yesterday I gave her a bath. She has not been trying to finish the job, and did not see her come out last night. (usually she does). Going to take her to the vet anyway for other reason, but I think I should try and get this shed finished.

I try to encourage her to slide through my hand to break skin around her snout, I worry about her eys getting hurt and the fact that it is her head I dont want to be to rough. Hasn't tried to bite me yet.

I know feeding would not be a good thing at the moment, but I did wonder about soaking her head so the feed would break the old skin, but it might break more than that.
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Use a thermometre to measure the temp of the water and make up about 10cms in a bucket with a lid at 30c and put the snake in there and leave it for an hour then try and peel it off again. If your not feeling too confident at getting it off get someone with plenty of experience to help you or ask the vet to check it out. :)
She's free

Use a wet pillow case and leave her in over night, by the morning she should be fine.
Overnight! Wow, long time but thanks. Redbelly bite suggested the wet pillow case as well. Started with that but she never moved (usually she does because it means the vet or injections). Had a appointment today but will go on Wednesday now on my day off. She is very skinny and rumbles when you pick her up (sort of like an internal burp).
So proud of my Bon, she just let us do it (more or less). She settled down quite well once we got started. This is a snake that was a bit snappy after she regained her health (sick when I got her).
Found it helped to make releif cuts down centre of her head as I got skin off. Just kept wiping/holding her with warm, wet face washer. Skin went white around scales edges as they took on water. She hissed alot but never bit me.
Love my Bonnie and Clyde:D
Thanks for your replies.
Thanks again for the replies. I get a bit like a mother hen when it comes to Bonnie. She has been through a bit in the past few months and of any of my snakes, I have the greatest attachment to her and Clyde because of it. Alot of people say "I would never have started if I knew it was going to be like this." Thing is I wish Bonnie did not have to go through the problems but I am so glad I got to be the one to help her. It has been very rewarding and I have learnt alot. Yet I still panic because of a bad shed:rolleyes:. The lesson continues....
Bonnie and Clyde's story:
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