Thanks for the info guys. It's been an interesting day !
I decided to go with a freshwater carbon filtered 30L tank which I have set up today with a trio of swordies- I picked up some organic fish feed and have a nice thermostat controlled water temp to promote the swordies breeding- I will drop the 100 feeder fish in there when they arrive on Wednesday to get them fat and free from chems.
A little bedtime story I call OPERATION PERSISTANCE.....
The anal aquarium kid at the store refused to sell me anything from his tanks to feed a snake, aside from goldfish and guppies- the reason was that "ornamental fish shouldn't be fed to snakes". It's not like I was asking to buy an albino Angel Fish or anything- just a couple of plattys ! Clearly this was a moral issue for him which to be honest felt a little hypocritical when the place is littered with tanks of "feeder fish", barra and small sharks who no doubt feast inadvertently on the very ornamentals they are all too happy to sell to yuppies who DON'T have tattoos and black T Shirts with a view to mixing them together in their little home aquaria of death.
Wasn't hard to wait 5 mins until the Fish Nazi was otherwise occupied selling his beloved scaley babies in an act of barbaric marine conscription, before getting another staffer to pull 5 plattys from the tank for me quicker than Jerry Mcguire
Operation Persistance; Task One Complete.
I dropped 2 plattys into the water bowl this afternoon. Despite the condescending advice and pessimistic know-it-all smirk from the pet shop employee who told me a GTS will NEVER be interested in thawed pinky mice because hers is not- despite my assurance that APS members have had some success in this regard (to which she rolled her eyes) I thought I would give it a go anyway - so along with the two plattys I threw a tiny pinky in the water bowl as well.
Anyone wanna take a guess what happened ?
Uh huh. First to go was the pinky (within about 30 seconds of hitting the water) , followed by the remaining two plattys, followed by another three plattys I threw in there- she took them all like a champ. (before anyone yells "powerfeeder", the fish were pretty small even for plattys so 5 was not overkill by any means.
So there you go- no need to scent the pinky or do anything drastic- she powered through...I suspect the plattys got her attention and she was interested enough to assume the pinky was an easy feed or a weak fish.
Operation Persistance: Task Two Complete.
I will continue with 5 or so smallish feeder fish twice a week and a pinky every fortnight as a treat. I will also be visiting the pet store to show the lovely lady pics of my GTS smiling as the pinky goes down the chute

Was VERY satisfying to see.