Very Well-Known Member
As an experienced fishkeeper I've bred my fair share of live food over the years.
Have you considered breeding your own? I would recommend breeding convicts or brassiliensis. Both bombproof and will breed on a wet sponge. Breeding your own is one way to guarantee your food is safe.
Yep, agreed- breeding yourself is the way to go, from what I understand the O.P is getting onto steps! BUT- although brasillies and cons are easy to breed, they are cichlids, and cichlids=spines. Last thing you want is a half swallowed fish getting a dorsal spine stuck in the snakes throat..swordtails were a great choice.
Also, congrats on getting her to eat a pinky, mate- just be aware that in the wild GTS eat frogs and fish almost exclusively, with the occaisional raided birds nest, so pinkys should be pretty far between due to fat content. As someone else said, day old quails may be a better option if you're looking to get away from fish.
And lastly- it's been quite a while since we've had a decent fight on here..wonder if I can post this before the thread gets locked...