Heat cord VS heat mat

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Latrobe Valley Gippsland
Without you knowing what I have, and the design of my setup...
reason being, I wan't to know what's better for my snake, not the enclosure I have.

What are the pros and cons with a heat mat and a heat cord?

I cannot have a infra-red globe because the flouro light, and the basking light are joined with one switch, so I cannot put the infra-red light on during the night because the flouro comes on at the same time... so basically, I either need to rewire the light's to two switches, or get alternative heat.

Any suggestions?

At the moment I have a heat mat at night,
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In a futuristic picture it sounds as you need to rewire your enclose. I don't use any night time heat... worth thinking about.
Snakes only need heat in the day as that is when the sun is out, although I know it can get cold in Vic.
yeah, thats what I was thinking, mainly in winter... sorta looking into the future...
My house stays pretty cool in the summer too though...
Also, the enclosure is glass, not melamine... so it loses heat quicker... Sorta rushed into it a little... will be building a bigger enclosure for her when she gets bigger.

the temp drops down to about 15 (the last few nights in my room) so I need some heat for her.
With one of my glass enclosures, during winter when it gets too cold over night, we wrap a towel or 2 around it to help keep the heat in.
Yeah it might look daggy, but its only for the night.
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