Heating/lighting help

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2009
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Hey guys i have a new exo terra enclosure and im setting it up for pygmy bearded dragons. I want to know what is the best way to heat the tank through the day and night.
Could i use a basking light attached to a thermostat (set at 38) during the day along with uvb then change the thermostat to a moonlight at 24 degrees during the night?
would that work or not?
Thanks Please help
Hi reptilefan,
I did some research and also got some advice on the pygmy's and where they are from so i keep them at around 32-35 degrees during the day (a little bit lower than normal beardies). But i know alot of people who keep them at the same temps as other beardies.

They best way to heat the tank during day and night is with a infared heat light . That way you are adjusting the thermostat and not have to swap globes day and night as well as adjust the thermostat.
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if its only a hatchie then keep it heated at night....mines heated same temp day n nite..theyl move to where they r comfy
Use a white basking spot during the day, i dont heat any of mine at night hatchie or adults, but its upto you, if you want to go with a ceremic heat emitter. I don't bother using a thermostat.
Do you think that i could have an infrared on during the day at 38 and at night turn the thermostat to 24?
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