Heatmat Questions

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Dec 2, 2008
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I've got 2 hatchie macs coming soon and I've set up a groovy divided click clack for them. I have a heatmat sitting in the middle with a cardboard divider in the middle of it to separate the two, but the plastic of the container is too thick and raised off the ground to get good heat through it to the snakes. I've been testing with the heatmat inside the clicky with various amounts of breeders choice over it (I hate that stuff and it's all temporary until my big enclosures arrive). Anyways I've been sitting a thermometer on top of the substrate where the mat is to see how hot it gets there. Highest has been 35, I piled some more substrate on top since then and am taking readings now.

Questions are, would there be a chance the macs would wiggle their way into the substrate and get burnt?
Any tips to avoid burning for the near future until I get their new enclosures appreciated. I don't have a thermostat, and can't get one until the 5th Jan when my herp shop reopens so until then atleast, if anyone thinks they'll be in burn danger, let me know what I can do to not let it happen.
Note: Current temp sitting on top of substrate with mat on is 29-30c.
Any tips to avoid burning for the near future until I get their new enclosures appreciated. I don't have a thermostat, and can't get one until the 5th Jan when my herp shop reopens so until then atleast, if anyone thinks they'll be in burn danger, let me know what I can do to not let it happen.

I personally wouldn't risk it without a thermostat, (we lost a md to heatmat burn) if you have to, try cutting thick cardboard and make it firm so they can't get under it then use newspaper or the breeders choice you need to stop them getting contact with it
go downt to big w and buy 2 small 3litre sistema tubs.... they have 30% off sistema at the moment! it will cost you $8....

it will solve your problem of having to have the heatmat inside the tub....

what wattage is the heatmat?
Try getting a thermostat from a different herp shop, surely one will be open tomorrow ;)
I wouldnt put the heatmat inside the tub.
Just go buy another tub, they arnt expensive.

I was told sitting the heatmat on a piece of styro foam with the click clack on top brings more heat. I didnt end up trying it, just bought an enclosure and put the click clack inside.
The worst case scenario of not using a thermostat and i`ve seen it many times is the heat mat heating heating up so much that it melts the plastic tub or cracks the glass tank it is used on killing any animals unlucky enough to be in them.
Do not put the heat mat in the click clack , you should wait till you have a properly set up click for each of the snakes before you purchase them.
Two 2 litre sistema tubs will cost you $12.50 or so , a small price to pay to ensure your new snakes are not in any danger of being cooked .
Morelia, the heatmat is 20watt.

I will try to get sistema tubs before I get them but I can't guarentee I'll be able to before I get them, hense why I'm asking what I'm asking.
when are you getting the snakes?

do you have a smaller wattage heatmat to use until you get a thermostat for the 20watt one?

where in adelaide are you? i have a spare 13 watt heat mat you can borrow for a few weeks if you need....

The 13 watt wont need a thermostat as it wont heat up as much as the 20 watt.....
unless we get some really hot days, which arent forecast for a while....
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