Help-1st Carpet - What info do I need from previous owner??

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Not so new Member
Sep 1, 2009
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Hey all, I am waiting for my licence to be sent to me and I have a friend that is giving me a coastal. I want to know what info etc. I need to get from my friend in order put the coastal on my licence (when it arrives). I just want to be prepared.
You will get a record book with your license and it has examples of how to fill out the form
All you need is your m8's details from his book.. licence number name address type of snake etc.then put them in your book when it comes.
Now i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but if this is a so called friend he would have a license and be able to help you with this could he not???

otherwise if he is not infact a friend..... you will need

2.License number
3. Suburb
4. Any movement numbers import/export numbers...

Thats about it i think....
Get as much info as you can.
Apart from his name, address & licence number for your books, ask for feeding, shedding, weight reports and anything else he can share about the snake.
get them to feed the snake in front of you ifunsure what to do, and if they are a good breeder they may let you bring the snake back in a fortnight and feed it in front of them just to make sure you are on the right track. The last thing you want is a hatchling that wont eat.
For your book:
2.License number
3. Suburb
4. If unsure species and number code
5. Any movement numbers import/export numbers...

For you and your snake:
1. Feeding Details
2. Shedding Details
3. Weight/length Details if available

Each individual will keep records to a different standard, some only record basics ie, date, stage of rat/mouse fed (Pinkie, velevet, weiner), and date of slough, others will keep more complex records, ie date, size of rat/mouse (in grams), date of slough and any difficulties encountered, weight, length and any other information that is pertanent to that animal (vet visits, medication, cooling & breeding if old enough, and other observations if needed). I guess it comes down to personal preferance how much you want to know about the snake you are buying.
Thanks everyone. They are trying to find the book and licence number etc. He is an older coastal, and I have been around snakes for many years, just wanted to get info on what I need.
Thanks again for your help...
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