HELP!! 3 month old children’s Python stopped eating.

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May 24, 2023
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I have a 3-4 month old Children’s Python I’ve had her for about a month now at home! I have her in a 2x2x2 enclosure. She settled in nicely she feed the second day I got her , then the week after that then about four days after that I offered her another pinky which she feed as I read that a baby childrens should be feed about every 4-5 days. But ever since I feed her last Thursday the 8th she hasn’t eaten. I tried to feed her the Thursday just gone but nothing now it’s Monday annd I tried feeding Friday sat and today but angain nothing and I’m a little bit stressed. I’ve researched so much but literally not eating is pretty much a sign of so much many things I don’t know what it could be. She hasn’t shed yet since getting her. And I don’t think she’s stressed because she was eating before and she’s been bask, comes out at night time and explores but idk maybe she is now. WHAT SHOULD I DO
move her out of the 2x2x2 into a tub setup. shes very young and very small so could get stressed easily. you can buy a tub from reject shop and drill some tiny holes in it (1-2mm) then put a heat mat under it and set thermostat of hot spot to 33c
i wouldnt stress over a week or 2 of not eating... i have a few hatchling pythons this year that didnt eat for 3months after hatching... the more you mess with them, the more issues you will have..
KISS - keep it simple setup
tight hide, water, paper towel substrate, heat spot 33c