Hi ingie,
Just seen your thread and sympathize with you, its always hard to see any animal suffer from a health issue.
I agree with the great advice from Jamie and some others and the prolapse wasn't really a prolapse per-say, he seems definitely over hydrated and in need of expelling that liquid by the looks of it..poor little guy!
I also tend to agree with your VET as I thought the same through reading the history, that there may be some underlying medical issue or medical issue not directly related to husbandry, as you seem to house him in a tolerable environment and not detrimental to his health from what you have advised.
I don't agree with the VET, that his condition maybe caused from neglect as a juvie, as he is well advanced now and the sickness is recent. He should have shown these symtoms more recntly then now!!
As mentioned in my not finished thread on Boydii care,

earthworms are unreal for coaxing fussy feeders to feed, as the wiggling action is irresistible "usually" and the nutritional value of earthworms is second to none as a protein source and as a desirable food variation.
Please accept my apologies as it may have been mentioned, but when did he go off his food and water? Is there any correlation to recent environmental/enclosure changes?
He looks like a fairly mature guy, so it seems wierd he is sick now.
Anyway, keep us posted.
Just a Note: Boyds do like moving water and will readily bath in it and drink as well. They also like to crap in it!!
So waterfalls etc need to changed regularly! I personally think, that they will drink more often from moving water than stand still water, from my observations....