HELP!!! Just saved this little cutie :D Need help.....never cared for a baby mouse!

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I would still like to see what species you guys think he is though...Bannapeel as you requested! here are some pics I just took via the webcam :p Hopefully someone will be able to identify him now :)
Shows all angles. Thanks for the help! APS is the best!!!!


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definitely made the right decision and good on you. It's hard I know. My cat brought in a TINY brown mouse while living in singapore. well there was no wildlife support to hand an injured mouse over to so I raised him. had to clean his cuts and give him all the necessary medication including a shot which I succeeded at haha. He was still requiring milk though so I decided to try something real stupid. I had hamsters at the time and mine was a grown female who I had got off a friend. I bought a male for her and she bred little hamsters. soo cute. about 3 days after her having the baby hamsters I found this mouse. He just wouldn't eat anything. gave him soft fruit/veggies, seeds, bread soaked in milk etc etc. Knowing he would die soon I removed some of the baby hamsters and put the mouse in with the mum and a few hamsters. well took a day or too and a bit of uncertainty but finally he fed. most amazing feeling ever. after a few more days of putting him in to feed, he was ready for real food. Kept him in a spare hamster cage for a while then converted my balcony into his habitat so he had a 2.5 x 1.5 m 'enclosure' which I covered the tiled floor in soil and other bits of substrate combined. heaps of hides and stuff, a food dish, sand bath, water and he even became toilet trained with a designated toilet spot! he lived there for another year and a half before passing happily.

Sorry about the life story! :oops:
not a mitchell's hopping mice, not fur on the end of the tail (although it could have come off). My suggestion is it could be a baby plains rat
Sadly little Stewie past away last night :cry: I found him lying on the bottom of his cage stiff and lifeless :( I buried him besides his mother this morning.
RIP little fella, I'm sorry that failed you :( I know you are up in the skies now with your mummy.
should of just threw him in your bredlis cage, a natural burial and therefore stewey will always be with you :)
Aw, sorry to hear he didn't make it, but you did your best for him, he might have been sick already, seeing as his mum was dead. Rip little one.

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Aw, sorry to hear he didn't make it, but you did your best for him, he might have been sick already, seeing as his mum was dead. Rip little one.

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should of just threw him in your bredlis cage, a natural burial and therefore stewey will always be with you :)

Probably not the best time to be making jokes.....and potentially making your python ill if the little mouse was already sick.

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should of just threw him in your bredlis cage, a natural burial and therefore stewey will always be with you :)

Probably not the best time to be making jokes.....and potentially making your python ill if the little mouse was already sick.
Sorry to hear. i had the same thing happen a couple of weeks ago with a baby kookaburra found in the driveway. at least you did what you could for it
Thank you every one for your support even though he really didn't belong to me...I still feel terrible but I have a feeling he may have ate some rat poison that the neighbours use next door. :( He looked in a bad way when I found him this morning. I just hope it wasn't from something I fed him.
he is in a better place now though :)
Yeah, I'm okay I guess...thank you for asking :) I just wish I could of just saved him :( Then again I guess if it was rat poison there wasn't much I could do....
Try not to stress over it, you did a wonderful thing by bringing him inside to safety, out there a cat or anything could have eaten him. You tried, that's the main thing. It's just a poo thing to happen though that he didn't make it, but certainly not your fault.

ETA: Is "******" a swear word on here or something? :shock:
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@ snapped
it's a mouse on an aussie pythons and snakes forum how could u not expect a joke or two considering we do feed mice and rats to our snakes. In regards to the poisoning of the snake, do u think i was being serious as to feeding a wild rodent to the bredli?

Atleast im not the only one that thinks it "looks just like a field mouse to me"...
I am sorry for you to hear it died. Other than poisoning, it may have sustained internal injuries before you got you got to it. Or given it was still associating with its mother it may also not have been fully weaned. Who knows?

I am not good at IDs from pictures for small mammals - so many look so similar. I can, however, tell you a couple of things to look for in the future. Rodents (Family Muridae) have two upper and two lower incisors. There is then (in most cases) a substantial gap in the teeth, before you get to the grinding premolars and molars. They lack any canine teeth. Almost all of them are totally herbivorous. The small marsupials (Family Dasyuridae) are carnivores. They have four pairs of pointed upper incisors and three pairs of lower pointed lower incisors, then upper and lower canine teeth, followed by a cutting ridge of premolars and molars. They tend to bite with the front teeth to subdue or kill their prey and then tear off bits using the side teeth when eating.

As a generalisation, the carnivorous dasyurid marsupials tend to have a longer, more pointed snout than the herbivorous murid rodents.

It certainly looked like a rodent that you had. An exact location of where it was collected would assist in narrowing down the possible species.

Sorry I cannot be more helpful than that.
Hey blue, firstly thank you for the information! I am always keen on learing more about all the animals who live around me and in my area :) I can tell you that the exact location I found him was in Woodside....I don't want to give you my adress but I can tell you it was on Fowler Street, Woodside, SA. (Mods if this illegal feel free to edit it out)

PrecisionPythons, I don't mind the joke. It really doesn't matter, it's just good to see that some people can be brave enough to have a sense of humor in a sad time :) Always lightens the mood imo. He would have been to small for my bredli anyway :/
@ snapped
it's a mouse on an aussie pythons and snakes forum how could u not expect a joke or two considering we do feed mice and rats to our snakes. In regards to the poisoning of the snake, do u think i was being serious as to feeding a wild rodent to the bredli?

Atleast im not the only one that thinks it "looks just like a field mouse to me"...

I know, I know. :lol:
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