Help! My Python wont eat

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New Member
Sep 12, 2010
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Gold Coast
Hi I have had a spotted python for about a year now and it has been great but the last month or so I havent been able to get him to eat. Does anyone have any tips for me to feed it?
hey, I have spotties and the 2 adults havnt eaten for nearly 3 months now as they slow down through winter and only drink. Try again next week, hows the temp in the tank? Another reason is the tank is too cold.
A month is nothing to worry about as long as there are no other issues with the animal - it will most likely just eat when it is hungry enough. Leave it alone for a week or two, and then offer again.
Don't worry about it. It's normal for Spotteds to stop feeding this time of year. I've got one that hasn't eaten in 3 months.
It will start again once the weather warms up again. As long as he's healthy and you're enclosure is set up properly. Temps should be 35 under heat lamp and 22-25 at cool end.
hey there

hey mate you could always try a live pinky that was the only way to get my spotted started again, but didnt work for my stimmy. worth a try , make sure your tank temp is 30 degrees.
hey mate you could always try a live pinky that was the only way to get my spotted started again, but didnt work for my stimmy. worth a try , make sure your tank temp is 30 degrees.
i dont think there is any need to try giving it anything live atm .
Kool thanks for the help guys... My tank is set up correctly and it last shed was about 6 months ago but it shed fine. I have never had any other problems with it and it use to be great to feed.
Ill try to feed it again in about two weeks and if i have more trouble Ill post again.
There is no need to feed it live it is normal for them to not eat for a few months through winter, it is probably not warm enough for your little guy just yet my female still wont eat and has refused for around 4-5 months it is normal, on the other hand my male spottie has started to absoloutly smash them down since of 2 weekend ago. Just give your lil one another week or two and try again. Even try feeding it a smaller than usual mouse (if thats what ur feeding it) to kick start the feeding again
Having your tank 'set up correctly' doesn't give us much input. How old is the spotted because 6 months seems a long time to go without shedding.
No need to rush off and present a live mouse to your snake, this could do more damage than good. Your snake might become dependent on those live feeds and in the end instead of refusing a thawed meal for a few weeks it could be refusing them full stop, so please ignore the other users that are telling you to give live feeding a go.

Not to mention that it is illegal and cruel, especially if it's unnecessary.
When you diagnose the problem please share as I am researching as much as possible ATM.

Thanks everyone....
My spottie has shed it's skin but still is a little flaky but over the last couple days its has been much more active so I will try feed it again come monday and hope for the best.
i have a jungle that hasnt eaten in 9weeks and his last shed was about 1week ago and i had to help him with the last 10cm he is a 7month old im puttin him in a click clack if he doesnt take the next feed he still looks healthy
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