Well-Known Member
townsvilles kinda cold atm . . 14 odd degree nights 25 odd degree days
From the neck twisting it sounds like neuro problems, all snakes have it to a degree its just what triggers it is the mystery,
some have more vulnerability than others like jags and albinos and the like.
Stress is a trigger, if he doesnt like being below 30 than that could be a cause, maybe age aswell.
Sorry but there is nothing you can do about a neuro problem but make them comfortable and less stressed.
Sorry to hear.
Being a virus it most probably has to be introduced to the animal from an outside source
But not enough known about it to state categorically 'This is OPMV and this is a list of exact symptoms etc etc"
Didn't notice before, but he shivers too... I left him out a little later than usual (feel horrible that I forgot about him!) and the temp had dropped outside. As soon as I got him back in his warm tank he shivered a few times. I'm guessing this would be for the same reason that we do...but if anyone knows this as a symptom of something I'm all ears (or eye's I should say).
Im not sure why he would do it but a snake wouldnt shiver because it was cold. We shiver to raise our body heat, which snakes dont have so shivering would do nothing to warm them up. I hope he turns out to be ok, this is very strange and very sad![]()
For those who asked and were ignored…
OPMV stands for Ophidian Paramyxovirus – a serious viral disease of snakes. It is not yet known how it is transmitted from one snake to another. It could be air currents or it maybe through a living vector or… The type of virus is a retrovirus, which means it contains RNA and reproduces in a particular way.
Like all viruses, it takes over cells and turns them into “virus factories” producing more viruses to invade more cells. As a result, the invaded cell stops doing the job it is meant to do and when it is full of new virus particles, basically bursts, releases them and dies. As there are billions of cells in the body, it can take a while sometimes for the symptoms to show.
Different viruses need different cells to reproduce them. OPMV is known to enter the brain , the liver and the kidneys. Depending on which particular cells are invaded and how many and what their functions are, the animal may display only one symptom through to the whole lot.
For those interested in a more thorough discussion of OPMV, check out the following…