Help Snake regurgitating after upgrading to fuzzies

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I will get her to the vet ASAP :(

I think that would be a good idea, do you know anyone nearby with experience keeping greens? I hope he/she comes good for you.

In the meantime work on sorting out the temperatures and look at adding some more branches & cover. I use that plastic green garden mesh with mine, they love it and it couldn't be easier to remove for cleaning.

Keep us updated :)
That's a really big difference man. I'd almost call that a hopper or weaner compared to the pinky size. Where are you located? Do you know anyone who breeds their own? It's easier to get the size you want then. If you're near me, I'd be happy to help out

That's what i thought which is why I haven't upgraded yet.
She was missing a feed here and there and then half way through december she went off her food for about 2 months until march 25. Since March 25 she was feeding consistently, but I had trouble getting her to take a 2nd pinky right after. Someone suggested to me to wait 3 days before offering the 2nd one.

I've got another temp probe in there and just waiting for it to heat up after closing the lid.
What temp should I keep her at for the time being? And less moisture? I've returned her waterbowl to the tub also
The bigger rat doesn't look right to me. There shouldn't be frozen water/ ice on it. This could be an indicator that it has been thawed and refrozen.
You really need an infra red thermometer to check the snakes temperature in that setup. Considering it is an arboreal snake the heatmat needs to heat the air to the right temperature before the heat gets to the snake, which is difficult, even in an insulated cage. In a click clack a lot of the heat is dissapated through the plastic walls and wasted particularly as the outside temperature gets lower. I doubt that that heatmat is of sufficient wattage to maintain temperature when the ambient night temperature may drop to say 15C. ( If members put location in their profile it would be easier to give accurate advice) The small size of the animal means it has little thermal mass and so will be more prone to temperature variations within the environment. The condenstion on the tub indicates excessive temperature change and is too much in my opinion.
I had only read page 1 when i replied. Now that I have seen the food item I would say it is too big. A larger food item takes longer for the snake to digest than a smaller one.That little snake would be flat out maintaining it own temperature in that setup let alone digesting the food as well. If you cant get fuzzies or better still, velvets then stick with pinks. I do believe that your main problem is temperature and if that is right the food will stay down.
What wokka said. Inefficient setup and a large food item don't work. I give my baby chondro huge feeds (not advocating anyone go and do it), but they can take bigger items if everything is correct (most of the time).
Try using another heat mat on top of the click clack. An infra red thermoter is really a must IMO.
Hey I transitioned my GTP from weaners to adults by feeding two weaners for a few months due to the large size difference. With my baby GTP who is in a tub I have some heat cord wrapped around the tub, including over the lid covering 1/3, I did this to try and get a hot volume rather than floor area.
I agree with a few of the guys on here. The heat mat may not be enough to get the temperature up to the perches. I had the same problem with my green, I could not get the click clack hot enough. As my GTP was just over a year old I moved him into a smallish enclosure with heat emitting globe where he has been thriving ever since. Thermometer on the perch is a must so you know exactly how warm the GTP is. Hope this helps
Perch temp is at 31, though lately at night it has been dropping to 27.8
ill get another heat mat tomorrow

Any ideas when i should re-offer her food?

I tried the day after she spit her last meal up and she refused

As for it maybe being to wet, I have increased the dry cycle, letting dry out longer before i respray her tub.
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You will eventually need a cage. If you get one now you could put the clickclack in the cage which should provide insulation and a more consistent ambient temperature. Dont get an all glass cage!
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