help-spotted getting agressive

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now my spotted is just sitting all coiled up in the cool end not moving ==" yesterday he was really acyive tho..and i checked the hot end is only 32-33degrees
Yeah that's what snakes do.... They aren't always active.
Just let him settle in and then in a week or two start handling him for about 5-10 mins every 2-3rd day. Once he starts to settle down, you can hold him a bit longer every 2nd-3rd day.

Remember, as Notechistiger said, you're a BIG hot thing that he thinks is going to eat him!

If you do all this, he should settle down in time..... :)
my spotted is 10 months old and feeding on fuzzy rats now :) he eats 1 every 10 days roughly.. hes about 55cm at the moment :) hes agressive when hes hungry (hence upped him too fuzzy rats a few feeds ago), and defensive most the time but its all just a show.

up his/her food and ya should be sweet :D
my spotted is 10 months old and feeding on fuzzy rats now :) he eats 1 every 10 days roughly.. hes about 55cm at the moment :) hes agressive when hes hungry (hence upped him too fuzzy rats a few feeds ago), and defensive most the time but its all just a show.

up his/her food and ya should be sweet :D
maybe thts why mine is aggressive, he hasnt been fed for abt 9days or so =o
maybe thts why mine is aggressive, he hasnt been fed for abt 9days or so =o

9 days isn't a long time for a snake to go without food. If you let him settle for a while he will be ok. Everything at the moment is new and strange to him and he is trying to take it all on board at once. Just give him time.
yay i fed my spotted a fuzzie today and he ate it =D. However he has not yet eaten his 2nd one...maybe cos i put it in like 5mins after his first one?
Y dont u wiggle it in front of his nose that always works with our spotteds

We never just through in a mouse and leave always wiggle it LOL

mate when i was feeding it i dangled it in front of him and then he thinks it alive.
try it and he should eat two, if not dont worry just up him to hoppers soon because he should be big enough for them
also he might get a bit more comfortable with you if he finds out that you=food
yea i did wiggle it..i pissed him off making him miss a few times haha..dwdw im so happy with him, he took both of them =D now he is less agressive =D
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