Yes... I got my 'one' 2 years ago and now I have 6. I'd have more, but I seem to have run out of room

The up side to snakes is the fact that they don't need as much care as a dog or cat, you feed young snakes once a week, and adults once a month. I also appreciate the fact that they don't go to the 'bathroom' as much as dogs or cat, and it doesn't smell as bad (anyone who's ever had cats will probably agree). The initial setup can be costly, but if you go to sites like Ebay or Trading Post you can get second hand enclosures fairly cheap, just make sure they let you see that the heat lights/thermostat/UV all work correctly. Buying a snake from a reputable breeder is cheaper than buying from a pet shop, and you'll get a record of the snake's feeding and shedding history from the time it hatched.