Its always a relief to see them back to normal

. Good on ya, you did well. I hope you don't mind, but I am going to add a little story, just to help you keep your observations on alert with your fella, especially where shedding is concerned
I just want to ask, did you know he was getting ready to shed any old time, or did you miss the signs - milky eyes, dull colour etc? I'm only asking because I hope you don't miss it too often in the future. I lost a snake nearly a year ago, showing same skin-look to your fella - wrinkly round the neck, felt dry, looked anorexic and never showed any signs of going into shed. I'd only had her for 4 months when, coming out of winter I noticed she was blowing bubbles, and drinking a phenominal amount of water. Took her to the vet who gave her fortem for RI, but was also very concerned about her looking extremely dehydrated. She was hospitalized for 2 weeks. She continued drinking excessive amounts of water and went into shed while in the vet's care. He assist shed 5 layers of skin off her. Underneath all that skin, which was totally invisible above, she was covered in sores from scale rot. The fortem which was administered for RI must have killed off bacteria from the sores, as they appeared clean, so he sent her home with a spray I had to apply to her twice a day. Five days later she was dead. Autopsy revealed the fortem only took the edge of bacterial spread. Those sores had gone probably over a year, un-noticed, therefore untreated and gave the bacteria plenty of time to spread. Her trachea was absolutely choked with infection.
This is a very rare case of bad shedding issues, which was caused by very poor husbandry, and very dry environoment. Come to my place she was in an aviary with a half wine barrel full of water, higher humid environment, but the vet said she was already on death's door before I brought her home. Had we picked up the scale rot, the fortem would not have been able to kill what she had in her, before it killed her, which it did.
Don't panic, don't freak out. Just look after your snake, and assist with their shed times with ample water, misting, humidity, and make sure they actually shed. Too easy to prevent this. Even if you miss the signs, just looking after them, and keeping an eye on them will still prevent these things happening.