Help with Eggs please...

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2005
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Bris/Gold Coast
I just checked on my Gravid female....Thought she was just hiding away...And has been for a couple of days...

I noticed a Slug... And basically said " Oh Sh**"...."

Pulled out her box...And yes theres several eggs..thats she's coiled around....

I touched one..And they are definately stuck together...

Whats the best thing to do...Leave her incubate? Keeping temp around 29-31...And humidity Up around 75%...

Or put them in the Vermiculite that I have all Ready.....?? Just how do I put them in...?? Dig a hole and sit them in? Or straight on top???

Help please.... Thanks
I do have a enclosure sitting around 29-31.... And a tub (with lid) of vermiculite ready... in that enclosure....
personally I would gently remove her off the eggs and it is a 2 person job (one hold snake, one 4 eggs, as you dont want the clump to get knocked or turn upside down)
the vermiculite should have a small amount of water added (a ratio of about 40 water: 60 vermiculite) by weight. (it is not alot of water) put eggs in, seal container and put in incubator at 30 degrees and wait. Do some serches on incubation or grab a book for more details.
you can let her incubate if she can cover eggs well enough and cage has right temps/humidity, but it takes a lot out of the female as she will not eat properly inthis time.

egg temps

gee whizz...l would be incubating in the range of 31.0-31.5........55-57days later......hatchies....too easy.....l do mine over water, have done for 5-6 years a lot easier better results, but for those that are stuck on probs......cheers solar 17 [baden]
Whats the go with the gloves....................:lol::lol:

I thought she would be fiesty and try and protect her eggs... I dont want to get a tag if I can help it...

As for the water Method...Too Late this year...Maybe next....
Maybe you should have an experienced person help you get her off the eggs. Do you know to take care to to try and separate them or tip them upside down as this will kill them. You need to pick the clump up all together and put them as they are into your vermiculite. Some may break apart, just be aware of this so you don't let any drop or tip over. Good luck with them.
Yeah thanks MYSNAKESAU... I have done heaps of reading since last night.... And have had snakes 3 or 4 yrs now... Just very pannicky about having eggs.... 1st year.. he he...

I know to take care to keep them in the same position as they have been layed....

Do you just sit them on top of the Vermiculite?? ...Even the bottom eggs not 1/2 in...Straight on top?

Maybe you should have an experienced person help you get her off the eggs
Who wants to come over... :p
Yep - just sit them straight on top. Don't bury them in.

I didn't mean to undermine your knowledge. I believe getting eggs from a mother should be a 2 person job anyway. Extra hands can make a job so much easier for both you and the snake. :D Good luck with them.
Just sit them on top, they can bury in a bit, but I just sit them on top,
Mate, Ive half-rolled / tipped full clutchs, had eggs spin out of the clutch, never with any dramas,
But obviously you want to keep it to a minimum,
If she is a placid snake, she still will be, Ive never seen over aggression from a mother, but mine have been placid enough animals.

btw congrats and good luck with them :D
Pythoninfinite helped me with my female last season. Well, he did all the work while I watched what he did. I was too scared of hurting Mum or the eggs if I attempted to move her on my own. But she is one of my most placid snakes. Even Pythoninfinite commented how easy she was to get her off them. No protest or striking. I felt sorry for her though, she went looking for them when I put her back in her enclosure. So I completely washed her enclosure to remove the smells, and offered her a rat that night which she took :D
Thanks All...

MYSNAKESAU.... Wasnt saying you were... I probably sound all pannicked..And I am...Just very nervous as all 1st timers are... :p
Yeah I can take her off..With assistance of the Wife...Or family this arvo... Thats no probs... She is a very placid snake..Never Bitten, or even Struck....

AD - Yeah I'll go No gloves from now on... he he..

No worries Surfcop Im not knocking ya for the gloves,
Whatever feels right for you to handle her calmly and without fast movement and hesitations is most important.
Let us know how it goes,
My wife and I have the routine, I grab the head and she grabs the next handful of snake as she puts the other hand over the clutch, then my second hand uncurls the tail while her snake holding hand then comes back to secure the clutch,
Start de-frosting a rat, I feed them as soon as possible afterwards,
OKay.... well breifly looking at the Eggs before incubation....I have 14 good eggs....

1 Slug...which she had pushed off to the side already....

They are now in Vermiculite.... Incubating...

I will get some pics in a few days ( to a week )...

Had a BBQ tonight for my boys birthday... So it was a quick reptile egg display while transferring them from her to the Vermiculite...I wasnt going to hesitate for photo'

And YES AD it was without gloves on.... NO tags....phew...LOL
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Proud dad...

In someone else's thread I noticed a snake Guarding some Shoes and a Camera....

Thought this pic was a lil more appropriate.....

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I check on the Eggs today.... Gave then some extra O2....

And changed the Thermometer to an alarming one, to make sure the eggs stay the right temp.... ( Between 28 and 32 Deg. C )

While doing so, I noticed a couple of things I need to ask about...

Firstly... A mouldy egg... I am Assuming its Dead.... So should I be breaking that egg and carfully swabbing it clean to reduce the chances of it infecting other eggs??

And Lastly... Those funny little spots...They look like small growths of a "White Mould".... Is this normal? Is there something I should be doing??

Thanks for your Help...
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OK.... I did cut the egg open... From underneath...scraped out all the contents with a few cotton buds....

And then syringed it, and dried it off with some cotton wool.... Fingers crossed that does the job.

For those that want to see... Below is the Snake Embryo that was formed after one week from Laying...

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