Help with jungle python

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Not so new Member
Jan 8, 2008
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hey just some qwestions. i was just wandering is it bad that may jungle python is yauning all the time?
also he seems to stay in this rock all the time, i never see him come out is there some thing wrong?

is your python due for a shed? i have found that my jungles will hide for 2-3 days without coming out even at night when coming into a shed and have heard that yawning stretches the skin around the snakes head making shedding easier. have you noticed if its colours are much duller compared to normal? dont think you have anything to worry about
My guys seem to yawn when I handle them, but I hardly ever get them out.
Also, you'll probley find that he comes out most nights while your asleep. What size tub/enclosure are your Jungles in?
Do they have things to climb on?
That may contribute to why they don't come out.
Thanks guys he is in a big enclosure about 2m long 1m high and 500mm wide and has plenty to climb on with a hot and cold end. He is due for a shed but his eyes havn't changed colour.
i had my python around my neck and he yawned...scared the ***** out of me
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